Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1池を  (いけをほす)
(exp) to drain off a pond
2式工法  (かんしきこうほう)
(n) dry construction
3地農法  (かんちのうほう)
(n) dry farming
4飲み  (のみほす)
(v5s,vt) to drink up
5  (のみほす)
(v5s,vt) to drink up
6  (ほし)
(n,n-pref) drying
7  (ほし)
(io) (n,n-pref) drying
8  (ほしいい)
(n) dried boiled rice
9  (ほしうお)
(n) dried fish
10  (ほしくさ)
(n) hay
11  (ほしぐさ)
(n) hay
12  (ほしざかな)
(n) dried fish
13  (ほしにく)
(n) dried meat
14海苔  (ほしのり)
(n) dried edible seaweed
15葡萄  (ほしぶどう)
(n) raisin(s)
16  (ほしもの)
(n) things dried in the sun, esp. clothes, died cloth, etc.
17し物  (ほしもの)
(n) things dried in the sun, esp. clothes, died cloth, etc.
18  (ほす)
(v5s,vt) (1) to air

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