Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1悪事千里を  (あくじせんりをはしる)
(exp) bad news travels quickly
2歩く代わりに  (あるくかわりにはしる)
(exp) to run instead of walk
3極端にり勝ち  (きょくたんにはしりがち)
(n) apt to go to extremes
4左翼に  (さよくにはしる)
(exp) to turn leftist
5使い  (つかいはしり)
(n,vs) running errands
6逃げ  (にげはしる)
(v5r) to flee
7  (はしり)
(n) the first (harvest, catch) of the season or year
8りかける  (はしりかける)
(v1) to start running
9り掛ける  (はしりかける)
(v1) to start running
10り書き  (はしりがき)
(n,vs) scribbling
11り込む  (はしりこむ)
(v5m,vi) to run into (a building)
12り去る  (はしりさる)
(v5r) to run away
13り高跳び  (はしりたかとび)
(n) running high jump
14り出す  (はしりだす)
(v5s) to begin to run
15り続ける  (はしりつづける)
(v1) to keep running
16り使い  (はしりづかい)
(n) errand runner
17り出る  (はしりでる)
(v1) to run out (e.g. of the room)
18り抜く  (はしりぬく)
(v5k) to outrun
19り抜ける  (はしりぬける)
(v1,vi) to run through
20り幅跳び  (はしりはばとび)
(n) running long jump
21り回る  (はしりまわる)
(v5r,vi) to run around
22りまわる  (はしりまわる)
(v5r,vi) to run around
23り読み  (はしりよみ)
(n,vs) skimming through
24り寄る  (はしりよる)
(v5r) to run up to
25  (はしる)
(v5r,vi) (1) to run
26非行にらせる  (ひこうにはしらせる)
(v1) to turn (child) to crime
27  (ひとはしり)
(n,vs) spin
28虫唾が  (むしずがはしる)
(exp) to be disgusted (wouldn't touch with a pair of tongs)
29虫酸が  (むしずがはしる)
(exp) to be disgusted (wouldn't touch with a pair of tongs)
30利に  (りにはしる)
(exp) to be eager to pursue one's own interests

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