Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1勤倹  (きんけんちょちく)
(n) thrift and saving
2限界蓄性向  (げんかいちょちくせいこう)
(n) marginal propensity to save
3財形  (ざいけいちょちく)
(n) property accumulation savings
4据え置き  (すえおきちょきん)
(n) deferred savings
5  (ちょきん)
(n,vs) (bank) savings
6金局  (ちょきんきょく)
(n) (Japanese) Postal Savings Bureau
7金帳  (ちょきんちょう)
(n) (abbr) bank book
8金通帳  (ちょきんつうちょう)
(n) bank book
9金箱  (ちょきんばこ)
(n) savings box
10金を下ろす  (ちょきんをおろす)
(exp) to withdraw one's savings
11金を下げる  (ちょきんをさげる)
(exp) to withdraw one's savings
12金を殖やす  (ちょきんをふやす)
(exp) to increase one's savings
13  (ちょすい)
(n,vs) storage of water
14水槽  (ちょすいそう)
(n) water tank
15水池  (ちょすいち)
(n) reservoir
16水量  (ちょすいりょう)
(n) volume of water kept in store
17  (ちょぞう)
(n,vs) storage
18蔵庫  (ちょぞうこ)
(n) storehouse
19蔵室  (ちょぞうしつ)
(n) storeroom
20蔵所  (ちょぞうしょ)
(n) a storage place
21蔵品  (ちょぞうひん)
(n) supplies
22蔵タンク  (ちょぞうタンク)
(n) storage tank
23  (ちょたん)
(n,vs) storing coal
24炭所  (ちょたんじょ)
(n) a coal yard
25  (ちょちく)
(n,vs) savings
26蓄関数  (ちょちくかんすう)
(n) saving function
27蓄債券  (ちょちくさいけん)
(n) savings bond
28蓄のパラドックス  (ちょちくのパラドックス)
(n) paradox of savings
29  (ちょぼく)
(n) stock or supply of lumber
30木場  (ちょぼくじょう)
(n) lumberyard
31月掛け  (つきがけちょきん)
(n) monthly installment deposit
32定額  (ていがくちょきん)
(n) fixed amount (postal) savings
33備荒  (びこうちょちく)
(n) famine-relief fund
34平均蓄性向  (へいきんちょちくせいこう)
(n) average propensity to save
35  (ゆうちょ)
(n) (abbr) postal (post-office) savings (deposit)
36郵便  (ゆうびんちょきん)
(n) postal savings (deposit)
37  (よちょきん)
(n) deposits and savings
38金残高  (よちょきんざんだか)
(n) bank balance

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