Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1  (いっしゅ)
(n-adv,n-t) tanka
2小倉百人一  (おぐらひゃくにんいっしゅ)
(n) Ogura Anthology of One Hundred Tanka by One Hundred Poets
3  (かくしゅ)
(n,vs) looking forward to
4  (かくしゅ)
(n,vs) beheading
5して待つ  (かくしゅしてまつ)
(v5t) to wait expectantly
6  (かんしゅ)
(n) chief abbot (of a Buddhist temple)
7  (かんしゅ)
(n) warship's bow
8  (かんしゅ)
(n) beginning of a book or scroll
9  (きしゅ)
(n) nose (of plane)
10  (きしゅ)
(n) beginning of a term
11  (きゅうしゅ)
(n,vs) going into a huddle
12きゅう  (きゅうしゅ)
(n,vs) going into a huddle
13協議  (きゅうしゅきょうぎ)
(n,vs) put heads together and confer
14凝議  (きゅうしゅぎょうぎ)
(n,vs) put heads together and confer
15謀議  (きゅうしゅぼうぎ)
(n,vs) go into a huddle (over)
16密議  (きゅうしゅみつぎ)
(n,vs) going into a huddle (over)
17球状船  (きゅうじょうせんしゅ)
(n) bulbous bow (on a ship to reduce drag)
18  (きょうしゅ)
(n,vs) exposure of a severed head
19  (けいしゅ)
(n,vs) bowing to the floor
20  (けんしゅ)
(n) the people (lit: black necks)
21  (げんしゅ)
(n) ruler
22  (こうしゅ)
(n,vs) hanging
23  (こうしゅけい)
(n) death by hanging
24  (こうしゅだい)
(n) gallows
25国家元  (こっかげんしゅ)
(n) head of a state
26国家元夫人  (こっかげんしゅふじん)
(n) first lady
27  (ざんしゅ)
(n,vs) decapitated head
28  (しゅ)
(ctr) counter for songs and poems
29  (しゅい)
(n) first place
30位攻防戦  (しゅいこうぼうせん)
(n) game or series of games between the first and second place teams (baseball)
31位打者  (しゅいだしゃ)
(n) the leading hitter
32  (しゅかい)
(n) forerunner
33  (しゅかん)
(n) first volume (of book)
34  (しゅき)
(n) abovementioned item
35  (しゅきゅう)
(n) decapitated head of an enemy
36  (しゅこう)
(n,vs) assent
37  (しゅざ)
(n) seat of honor
38  (しゅしょう)
(n) beginning of a book
39  (しゅしょう)
(n) commander-in-chief
40  (しゅしょう)
(n) Prime Minister
41  (しゅしょう)
(n,vs) advocacy
42相官邸  (しゅしょうかんてい)
(n) prime minister's official residence
43相兼外相  (しゅしょうけんがいしょう)
(n) Prime Minister also serving as Foreign Minister
44相公選制  (しゅしょうこうせんせい)
(n) system allowing for election of the prime minister by popular vote
45相指名  (しゅしょうしめい)
(n) nomination to become prime minister
46唱者  (しゅしょうしゃ)
(n) an advocate
47  (しゅせき)
(n) (1) head
48  (しゅそく)
(n) head and legs
49鼠両端  (しゅそりょうたん)
(n) being unable to make up one's mind
50  (しゅだい)
(n) the opening phrase of a letter or notice
51  (しゅちょう)
(n) head (of organization, organisation)
52長国  (しゅちょうこく)
(n) emirate
53  (しゅと)
(n,adj-no) capital city
54都圏  (しゅとけん)
(n) the capital city (often Tokyo) area (typically within 50 km of city's centre) (center)
55  (しゅのう)
(n) head
56脳会議  (しゅのうかいぎ)
(n) summit meeting
57脳会談  (しゅのうかいだん)
(n) leadership conference
58脳者  (しゅのうしゃ)
(n) head
59脳部  (しゅのうぶ)
(n) executives
60  (しゅはん)
(n) head
61  (しゅび)
(n,vs) issue
62尾一貫  (しゅびいっかん)
(n,vs) consistent
63尾一貫した  (しゅびいっかんした)
(adj) consistent
64尾貫徹  (しゅびかんてつ)
(n,vs) (logical) consistency
65尾よく  (しゅびよく)
(adv) successfully
66尾良く  (しゅびよく)
(adv) successfully
67  (しゅふ)
(n) capital
68  (しゅぼう)
(n) planning
69謀者  (しゅぼうしゃ)
(n) ringleader
70主要国脳会議  (しゅようこくしゅのうかいぎ)
(n) Group of Eight
71  (しゅりょう)
(n) head
72  (しんしゅしょう)
(n) new prime minister
73  (じしゅ)
(n,vs) surrender
74  (じょうしゅび)
(adj-na,n) success
75  (せんしゅ)
(n) bow (of boat)
76  (ていしゅ)
(n) bow (of a boat)
77  (とうしゅ)
(n) party leader
78討論  (とうしゅとうろん)
(n) question time (in the Japanese Diet)
79  (とうしゅのう)
(n) party leaders
80  (ばしゅ)
(n) neck of a horse
81  (ひしゅ)
(n) dagger
82百人一  (ひゃくにんいっしゅ)
(n) 100 poems by 100 famous poets
83  (ふくしゅしょう)
(n) deputy prime minister
84  (ふしゅび)
(adj-na,n) failure
85  (ぶしゅ)
(n) radical (of a kanji character)
86閉口頓  (へいこうとんしゅ)
(n,vs) being at a complete loss as to what to do
87  (もとしゅしょう)
(n) former Prime Minister
88  (らくしゅ)
(n) lampoon
89連邦  (れんぽうしゅしょう)
(n) federal chancellor
90アラブ長国連邦  (アラブしゅちょうこくれんぽう)
(n) United Arab Emirates

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