Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1  (おぼろこんぶ)
(n) shredded tangle or kelp
2  (こうこん)
(n) grandchildren
3子持  (こもちこんぶ)
(n) kelp with herring roe (sushi type)
4  (こんちゅう)
(n) insect
5虫学  (こんちゅうがく)
(n) entomology
6虫学者  (こんちゅうがくしゃ)
(n) entomologist
7虫採集  (こんちゅうさいしゅう)
(n) insect collecting
8虫ホルモン  (こんちゅうホルモン)
(n) insect hormone (i.e. ecdysone)
9  (こんぶ)
(n) konbu seaweed
10布出し  (こんぶだし)
(n) soup stock made from konbu
11布茶  (こんぶちゃ)
(n) kelp tea
12布巻  (こんぶまき)
(n) type of food (sliced dried herring or other fish wrapped in konbu seaweed and boiled)
13布巻き  (こんぶまき)
(n) type of food (sliced dried herring or other fish wrapped in konbu seaweed and boiled)
14社会性  (しゃかいせいこんちゅう)
(n) social insect
15水生  (すいせいこんちゅう)
(n) aquatic insect
16無翅  (むしこんちゅう)
(n) apterygote (wingless insect)
17無翅虫類  (むしこんちゅうるい)
(n) apterygotes (wingless insects)
18有翅  (ゆうしこんちゅう)
(n) pterygote (winged insect)
19有翅虫類  (ゆうしこんちゅうるい)
(n) pterygotes (winged insects)

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