1 | 朝起き (あさおき) |
(n,vs) early rising |
2 | 一念発起 (いちねんほっき) |
(n,vs) being resolved to (do something) |
3 | 烏口突起 (うこうとっき) |
(n) coracoid process |
4 | 起き上がり小法師 (おきあがりこぼし) |
(n) self-righting doll |
5 | 起き上がる (おきあがる) |
(v5r,vi) to rise |
6 | 起きあがる (おきあがる) |
(v5r,vi) to rise |
7 | 起き掛け (おきがけ) |
(n) first thing after rising |
8 | 起き出す (おきだす) |
(exp) to get out of bed |
9 | 起き直る (おきなおる) |
(v5r,vi) to sit up |
10 | 起き抜け (おきぬけ) |
(n) first thing after rising |
11 | 起抜け (おきぬけ) |
(n) first thing after rising |
12 | 起き伏し (おきふし) |
(adv,n) rising and going to bed |
13 | 起きる (おきる) |
(v1,vi) (1) to get up |
14 | 遅く迄起きている (おそくまでおきている) |
(exp) to stay up late |
15 | 遅くまで起きている (おそくまでおきている) |
(exp) to stay up late |
16 | 海馬状隆起 (かいばじょうりゅうき) |
(n) hippocampus |
17 | 書き起こし (かきおこし) |
(n) opening words or sentence |
18 | 掻き起こす (かきおこす) |
(v5s) to stir up |
19 | 書き起こす (かきおこす) |
(v5s) to begin (start) writing |
20 | 喚起 (かんき) |
(n,vs) arousal |
21 | 起案 (きあん) |
(n,vs) drafting |
22 | 起因 (きいん) |
(n,vs) cause |
23 | 起臥 (きが) |
(n,vs) daily life |
24 | 起居 (ききょ) |
(n,vs) behavior |
25 | 起居挙動 (ききょきょどう) |
(n) behavior |
26 | 起居動作 (ききょどうさ) |
(n) behavior |
27 | 起業 (きぎょう) |
(n,vs) starting a business |
28 | 起業家 (きぎょうか) |
(n) entrepreneur |
29 | 起業家精神 (きぎょうかせいしん) |
(n) entrepreneurial spirit |
30 | 起句 (きく) |
(n) opening line |
31 | 起結 (きけつ) |
(n) beginning and end |
32 | 起源 (きげん) |
(n) origin |
33 | 起原 (きげん) |
(n) origin |
34 | 起工 (きこう) |
(n,vs) setting to work |
35 | 起稿 (きこう) |
(n,vs) drafting |
36 | 起工式 (きこうしき) |
(n) groundbreaking or cornerstone-laying ceremony |
37 | 起債 (きさい) |
(n,vs) issuing of bonds |
38 | 起算 (きさん) |
(n,vs) starting to count |
39 | 起座 (きざ) |
(n,vs) sitting up in bed |
40 | 起死 (きし) |
(n) saving from the brink of death |
41 | 起死回生 (きしかいせい) |
(n) revival of the dead |
42 | 起床 (きしょう) |
(n,vs) rising |
43 | 起請 (きしょう) |
(n,vs) vow |
44 | 起承転結 (きしょうてんけつ) |
(n) (1) introduction, development, turn and conclusion (quadripartite structure of certain Chinese poetry) |
45 | 起請文 (きしょうもん) |
(n) (historical) written vow to the gods |
46 | 起震車 (きしんしゃ) |
(n) earthquake simulation vehicle |
47 | 起重機 (きじゅうき) |
(n) crane |
48 | 起磁力 (きじりょく) |
(n) magnetomotive force |
49 | 起訴 (きそ) |
(n,vs) prosecution |
50 | 起草 (きそう) |
(n,vs) drafting |
51 | 起訴状 (きそじょう) |
(n) (written) indictment |
52 | 起訴猶予 (きそゆうよ) |
(n) suspension of indictment |
53 | 起点 (きてん) |
(n) starting point |
54 | 起電 (きでん) |
(n,vs) generation of electricity |
55 | 起電機 (きでんき) |
(n) electric generator |
56 | 起電力 (きでんりょく) |
(n) electromotive force |
57 | 起動 (きどう) |
(n,vs) startup |
58 | 起動機 (きどうき) |
(n) starter |
59 | 起動時 (きどうじ) |
(n) startup (point in) time |
60 | 起動時間 (きどうじかん) |
(n) startup (interval of) time |
61 | 起爆 (きばく) |
(n,vs) exploding |
62 | 起爆剤 (きばくざい) |
(n) triggering explosive |
63 | 起爆装置 (きばくそうち) |
(n) detonator |
64 | 起爆薬 (きばくやく) |
(n) triggering explosive |
65 | 起筆 (きひつ) |
(n,vs) beginning to write |
66 | 起票 (きひょう) |
(n,vs) issue of a voucher |
67 | 起伏 (きふく) |
(n,vs) (1) undulation |
68 | 起毛 (きもう) |
(n) nap raising |
69 | 共起 (きょうき) |
(n,vs) cooccurrence |
70 | 起用 (きよう) |
(n,vs) appointment |
71 | 切り起こす (きりおこす) |
(v5s) to open up waste land for cultivation |
72 | 起立 (きりつ) |
(n,vs) standing up |
73 | 継起 (けいき) |
(n,vs) occurring in succession |
74 | 蹶起 (けっき) |
(n,vs) jump to one's feet |
75 | 決起 (けっき) |
(n,vs) jump to one's feet |
76 | 剣状突起 (けんじょうとっき) |
(n,adj-no) xiphoid process |
77 | 興起 (こうき) |
(n,vs) rise |
78 | 行動発起時刻 (こうどうはっきじこく) |
(n) h-hour |
79 | 再起 (さいき) |
(n,vs) comeback |
80 | 再起動 (さいきどう) |
(n,vs) restart |
81 | 再起不能 (さいきふのう) |
(n) be beyond (have no hope of) recovery |
82 | 刺状突起 (しじょうとっき) |
(n) prickle (of plants) |
83 | 七転八起 (しちてんはっき) |
(n) the vicissitudes of life |
84 | 七顛八起 (しちてんはっき) |
(n) the vicissitudes of life |
85 | 出糸突起 (しゅっしとっき) |
(n) spinneret (of a spider) |
86 | 種の起原 (しゅのきげん) |
(n) Origin of Species |
87 | 振起 (しんき) |
(n,vs) encouragement |
88 | 惹起 (じゃっき) |
(n,vs) bringing about |
89 | 樹状突起 (じゅじょうとっき) |
(n) dendrite |
90 | 水力で電気を起こす (すいりょくででんきをおこす) |
(exp) to generate electricity by hydraulic power |
91 | 鋤起こす (すきおこす) |
(v5s) to turn over soil |
92 | 生起 (せいき) |
(n,vs) take place |
93 | 想起 (そうき) |
(n,vs) remembering |
94 | 叩き起こす (たたきおこす) |
(v5s,vt) to wake up |
95 | 叩き起す (たたきおこす) |
(v5s,vt) to wake up |
96 | 抱き起す (だきおこす) |
(v5s,vt) to lift (a person) in one's arms |
97 | 抱き起こす (だきおこす) |
(v5s,vt) to lift (a person) in one's arms |
98 | 虫様突起炎 (ちゅうようとっきえん) |
(n) appendicitis |
99 | 追起訴 (ついきそ) |
(n,vs) supplementary indictment |
100 | 提起 (ていき) |
(n,vs) bring suit |