Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1  (あかぐつ)
(n) salt-water fish
2掻痒  (かっかそうよう)
(n) being frustrated because something is not quite as hoped (just as one cannot scratch an itch from outside a shoe)
3  (かわぐつ)
(n) leather shoes
4  (かわぐつ)
(n) leather shoes
5  (ぐんか)
(n) military shoes
6  (せいか)
(n) shoe-making
7  (せいかぎょう)
(n) the shoemaking industry
8  (ちょうか)
(n) leather boots
9  (はんか)
(n) low shoes
10  (ふかぐつ)
(n) deep boots
11防寒  (ぼうかんぐつ)
(n) arctic boots

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