Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1居候生  (いそうろうせいかつ)
(n) living in another person's house without paying for food and lodging
2一段  (いちだんかつよう)
(n) conjugation (inflection, declension) of ichidan verbs
3一般生  (いっぱんせいかつ)
(n) everyday life
4逸楽生  (いつらくせいかつ)
(n) a life given up to pleasure
5隠退生  (いんたいせいかつ)
(n) secluded life
6隠遁生  (いんとんせいかつ)
(n) a reclusive life
7営業  (えいぎょうかつどう)
(n) business activities
8  (かいかつ)
(adj-na,n) cheerfulness
9海外  (かいがいかつどう)
(n) overseas activities
10課外  (かがいかつどう)
(n) extracurricular activities
11火山  (かざんかつどう)
(n) volcanic activity
12火成  (かせいかつどう)
(n) igneous activity
13  (かつ)
(n) judo art of resuscitation
14火山  (かつかざん)
(n) active volcano
15  (かつがん)
(n) keen or piercing eye
16  (かつぎょ)
(n) live fish and shellfish (kept in a tank in a restaurant)
17  (かつげき)
(n) action picture
18  (かつじ)
(n) printing type
19  (かつじく)
(n) live axle
20字世論  (かつじせろん)
(n) public opinion (sentiment) as reflected in the print media
21字体  (かつじたい)
(n) typeface
22字体で書く  (かつじたいでかく)
(exp) to print (on a press)
23字中毒  (かつじちゅうどく)
(n) addiction to the printed word
24字離れ  (かつじばなれ)
(n,adj-no) aliteracy
25字本  (かつじほん)
(n) printed book
26字を組む  (かつじをくむ)
(exp) to set type
27人画  (かつじんが)
(n) tableau vivant
28人剣  (かつじんけん)
(n) life-saving sword (a killing sword may be a sword of life depending on how it is used)
29断層  (かつだんそう)
(n) active fault
30  (かつどう)
(n,vs) action
31動家  (かつどうか)
(n) (anti-war) activist
32動誌  (かつどうし)
(n) specialty magazine
33動者  (かつどうしゃ)
(n) activist
34動写真  (かつどうしゃしん)
(n) (obs) movie
35動成果  (かつどうせいか)
(n) results (of an activity)
36動的  (かつどうてき)
(adj-na) active
37動力  (かつどうりょく)
(n) energy
38人剣  (かつにんけん)
(n) life-saving sword (a killing sword may be a sword of life depending on how it is used)
39  (かつぶつ)
(n) living being
40  (かつぶつ)
(n) grand Lama
41物寄生  (かつぶつきせい)
(n) parasite
42  (かつべん)
(n) narrator in Japanese silent cinema
43  (かつやく)
(n) (1) activity (esp. energetic)
44  (かつよう)
(n,vs) (1) practical use
45用形  (かつようけい)
(n) conjugated form
46用語  (かつようご)
(n) conjugated word
47用語尾  (かつようごび)
(n) conjugative suffix (i.e. "-iru" and "-eru" for ichidan verbs, "-i" for i-adjectives, etc.)
48  (かつりょう)
(n) activity
49  (かつりょく)
(n) vitality
50  (かつれき)
(n) variety of kabuki, based on historical events
51  (かつろ)
(n) means of escape
52路開拓  (かつろかいたく)
(n) developing a way or means
53を入れる  (かつをいれる)
(exp) to apply the art of resuscitation
54を求める  (かつをもとめる)
(exp) to try to find a way out
55家庭生  (かていせいかつ)
(n) home (family, domestic) life
56上一段  (かみいちだんかつよう)
(n) conjugation (inflection, declension) of ichidan verbs ending in "iru"
57上二段  (かみにだんかつよう)
(n) conjugation (inflection, declension) of nidan verbs (resulting in a stem of either "i" or "u" for every conjugation)
58環境動家  (かんきょうかつどうか)
(n) environmental activist
59外交  (がいこうかつどう)
(n) diplomatic activity
60外国生  (がいこくせいかつ)
(n) life in a foreign country
61学生生  (がくせいせいかつ)
(n) student (college) life
62  (がっかつ)
(n) (abbr) class activities
63学級  (がっきゅうかつどう)
(n) class activities
64学校生  (がっこうせいかつ)
(n) school life
65合併  (がっぺいかつどう)
(n) merger activity
66救援  (きゅうえんかつどう)
(n) rescue operation
67救護  (きゅうごかつどう)
(n) relief (aid) work
68共同生  (きょうどうせいかつ)
(n) community life
69享楽生  (きょうらくせいかつ)
(n) gay life
70金融動作業部会  (きんゆうかつどうさぎょうぶかい)
(n) Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering
71禁欲生  (きんよくせいかつ)
(n) an ascetic existence
72金利生  (きんりせいかつしゃ)
(n) a rentier (one who lives on investment interest)
73軍人生  (ぐんじんせいかつ)
(n) military life
74軍隊生  (ぐんたいせいかつ)
(n) army life
75経済  (けいざいかつどう)
(n) economic activity
76啓蒙  (けいもうかつどう)
(n) information campaign
77結婚生  (けっこんせいかつ)
(n) wedded life
78嫌煙動家  (けんえんかつどういえ)
(n) antismoking activist
79研究  (けんきゅうかつどう)
(n) research activities
80芸術  (げいじゅつかつどう)
(n) artistic activities
81抗議  (こうぎかつどう)
(n) protest action
82公生  (こうせいかつ)
(n) public life
83広報  (こうほうかつどう)
(n) publicity (information) activities
84公民生  (こうみんせいかつ)
(n) national life
85国際平和  (こくさいへいわかつどう)
(n) international peace activity
86国民生  (こくみんせいかつ)
(n) the life of the people
87五段  (ごだんかつよう)
(n) conjugation (inflection, declension) of godan verbs
88最低生  (さいていせいかつひ)
(n) minimum cost of living
89  (しかつ)
(n,vs) life and-or death
90問題  (しかつもんだい)
(n) matter of life or death
91私生  (しせいかつ)
(n) one's private life
92死中求  (しちゅうきゅうかつ)
(n) finding a way out of a potentially fatal situation
93市民生  (しみんせいかつ)
(n) civic life
94下一段  (しもいちだんかつよう)
(n) conjugation (inflection, declension) of ichidan verbs ending in "eru"
95下二段  (しもにだんかつよう)
(n) conjugation (inflection, declension) of nidan verbs (resulting in a stem of either "e" or "u" for every conjugation)
96社会生  (しゃかいせいかつ)
(n) social life
97  (しゅうかつ)
(n) (abbr) job hunting
98就職  (しゅうしょくかつどう)
(n) job hunting
99集団生  (しゅうだんせいかつ)
(n) living in a group
100修道生  (しゅうどうせいかつ)
(n) monasticism

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