Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1一能  (いちげいいちのう)
(n) (excelling in) one area or skill
2入試  (いちげいにゅうし)
(n) entrance exam for a university giving preference to persons who excel in one special field (skill)
3  (うちげいしゃ)
(n) geisha living in the establishment
4  (うらげい)
(n) act or trick which a performer reserves for selected occasions
5農業  (えんげいのうぎょう)
(n) horticultural agriculture
6用具  (えんげいようぐ)
(n) gardening tools
7郷土  (きょうどげいのう)
(n) folk entertainment
8空間  (くうかんげいじゅつ)
(n) the plastic arts
9術愛好家  (げいじゅつあいこうか)
(n) art lover
10術活動  (げいじゅつかつどう)
(n) artistic activities
11術至上主義  (げいじゅつしじょうしゅぎ)
(n) art for art's sake
12  (げいとう)
(n) feat
13  (げいどう)
(n) accomplishments
14  (げいのう)
(n) public entertainment
15能界  (げいのうかい)
(n) world of show business
16能人  (げいのうじん)
(n) performer
17  (げいふう)
(n) style of acting
18  (こうげい)
(n) industrial arts
19  (こうげいひん)
(n) handicraft
20美術  (こうげいびじゅつ)
(n) applied fine arts
21古典  (こてんげいのう)
(n) classical theatre
22手工  (しゅこうげい)
(n) handicrafts
23素人  (しろうとげい)
(n) amateur's skill or performance
24総合  (そうごうげいじゅつ)
(n) composite art
25大道  (だいどうげい)
(n) street performing
26大道  (だいどうげいにん)
(n) street performer (comedian)
27抽象  (ちゅうしょうげいじゅつ)
(n) abstract art
28  (とうげい)
(n) ceramic art
29  (とうげいか)
(n) potter
30  (のうげい)
(n) agriculture and horticulture
31化学  (のうげいかがく)
(n) agricultural chemistry
32批評  (ぶんげいひひょう)
(n) literary criticism
33復興  (ぶんげいふっこう)
(n) Renaissance
34民俗  (みんぞくげいのう)
(n) folk entertainment
35無能  (むげいむのう)
(n,adj-na) talentless and imcompetent
36  (ゆうげい)
(n) artistic accomplishments
37ガラス工  (ガラスこうげい)
(n) glasswork

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