Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1空き  (あきじかん)
(n) free time
2遊び  (あそびじかん)
(n) playtime
3育児  (いくじじかん)
(n) nursing time
4  (いちじき)
(n-adv) a period (of time)
5  (いちどきに)
(adv) at a time
6一日片  (いちにちへんじ)
(n) short time
7  (いつか)
(adv) (uk) sometime
8  (いつじぶん)
(n) about what time
9でも  (いつでも)
(adv) (uk) (at) any time
10なんどき  (いつなんどき)
(adv) (uk) at any time
11  (いつなんどき)
(adv) (uk) at any time
12まで経っても  (いつまでたっても)
(exp) no matter how much time passes
13  (いまじぶん)
(n-adv,n-t) about this time
14  (おうじ)
(n) ancient times
15開始  (かいしじこく)
(n) starting time
16夏期  (かきじかん)
(n) daylight-saving time
17  (かじ)
(n-t) summertime
18起動  (きどうじ)
(n) startup (point in) time
19起動  (きどうじかん)
(n) startup (interval of) time
20休憩  (きゅうけいじかん)
(n) rest time
21  (きゅうじ)
(n-adv,n-t) ancient times
22切り換え  (きりかえとき)
(n) response time
23切り替え  (きりかえとき)
(n) response time
24切り換え  (きりかえどき)
(n) response time
25切り替え  (きりかえどき)
(n) response time
26  (けいじがかり)
(n) timekeeper
27原始  (げんしじだい)
(n) primitive times
28点においては  (げんじてんにおいては)
(n) at the present time
29現地  (げんちじかん)
(n) local time
30恒星  (こうせいじ)
(n) sidereal time
31これを書いている点で  (これをかいているじてんで)
(exp) at the time of writing
32御飯  (ごはんどき)
(n) mealtime
33ご飯  (ごはんどき)
(n) mealtime
34死に  (しにどき)
(n) time to die
35死亡  (しぼうじこく)
(n) time of death
36収穫  (しゅうかくじ)
(n) time of harvest
37集合  (しゅうごうじかん)
(n) time appointed for meeting (assembling)
38就職  (しゅうしょくじ)
(n) time of employment
39就寝のお伽話  (しゅうしんじのおとぎばなし)
(n) bedtime story
40出発  (しゅっぱつじかん)
(n) starting (departure) time
41出願  (しゅつがんじ)
(n) (at the) time of application
42食事  (しょくじどき)
(n) mealtime
43所要  (しょようじかん)
(n) the time required
44所要間を計る  (しょようじかんをはかる)
(exp) to calculate the time required
45  (じうん)
(n) tide of the times
46  (じかん)
(n-adv,n) (1) time
47間外手当て  (じかんがいてあて)
(exp) overtime pay
48間外労働  (じかんがいろうどう)
(n) overtime work
49間が掛かる  (じかんがかかる)
(exp) to take time
50間切れ  (じかんぎれ)
(n) (1) being out of time
51間軸  (じかんじく)
(n) time axis
52間順序積  (じかんじゅんじょせき)
(n) time ordered product (physics)
53間節約  (じかんせつやく)
(n) time preservation
54間帯  (じかんたい)
(n) period of time
55間潰し  (じかんつぶし)
(n) timewasting
56間つぶし  (じかんつぶし)
(n) timewasting
57間転移  (じかんてんい)
(n) time warp
58間どおり  (じかんどおり)
(n-t) on time
59間通り  (じかんどおり)
(n-t) on time
60間のたつ  (じかんのたつ)
(exp) passage of time
61間の歪み  (じかんのひずみ)
(n) time warp
62間の問題  (じかんのもんだい)
(n) just a matter of time
63間の許す限り  (じかんのゆるすかぎり)
(n) as long as time allows
64間反転  (じかんはんてん)
(n) time reversal (physics)
65間表  (じかんひょう)
(n) (1) time-table
66間旅行  (じかんりょこう)
(n) time travel
67間割り  (じかんわり)
(n) timetable
68間割  (じかんわり)
(n) timetable
69間を惜しむ  (じかんをおしむ)
(exp) to value time
70間を掛ける  (じかんをかける)
(exp) to spend time (on doing something)
71間をかける  (じかんをかける)
(exp) to spend time (on doing something)
72間を稼ぐ  (じかんをかせぐ)
(exp) to gain time
73間を割く  (じかんをさく)
(exp) to spare time (for)
74  (じき)
(n-adv,n-t) (1) time
75機尚早  (じきしょうそう)
(n) before its time
76期に差しかける  (じきにさしかける)
(v1) to get close to the time
77期に差し掛ける  (じきにさしかける)
(v1) to get close to the time
78  (じぎ)
(n) right time
79  (じくう)
(n) space-time
80空世界  (じくうせかい)
(n) space-time continuum
81系列  (じけいれつ)
(n) chronological order (time sequential)
82限爆弾  (じげんばくだん)
(n) time bomb
83限目  (じげんめ)
(n) period of time
84刻到来  (じこくとうらい)
(exp) The time has come (for, to, when...)
85  (じさ)
(n) time difference
86自習  (じしゅうじかん)
(n) study time
87  (じしょう)
(n) (ship's) time bell
88辰儀  (じしんぎ)
(n) (1) (arch) (obsc) timepiece
89  (じせい)
(n) the times
90世感覚  (じせいかんかく)
(n) sense of the the times
91勢感覚  (じせいかんかく)
(n) sense of the trend of the times
92勢に伴って  (じせいにともなって)
(exp) in step with the times
93世を憤る  (じせいをいきどおる)
(exp) to be indignant at the times
94節柄  (じせつがら)
(n-adv,n) in these times
95節到来  (じせつとうらい)
(exp) The time has come (for, to, when...)
96  (じせん)
(n) (obsc) (pol) time
97宣を得る  (じせんをえる)
(exp) (obsc) (pol) suitable time
98  (じたん)
(n) shortening of time
99代感覚  (じだいかんかく)
(n) sensitivity to the times
100代思潮  (じだいしちょう)
(n) thought of the times

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