Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1き違える  (おきちがえる)
(v1) to put something in the wrong place
2き所  (おきどころ)
(n) place to put things
3  (おく)
(v5k) (1) to put
4音声入力装  (おんせいにゅうりょくそうち)
(n) voice input unit
5出力装  (しゅつりょくそうち)
(n) output unit
6信を  (しんをおく)
(exp,v5k) to put one's trust in
7入力装  (にゅうりょくそうち)
(n) input unit
8身のき所がない  (みのおきどころがない)
(exp) (so ashamed or embarrassed that) one does not know where to put oneself

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