Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1  (あっかく)
(n) sense of pressure
2  (あっさく)
(n,vs) pressure
3  (あっしん)
(n) pressure sensation
4  (あっせつ)
(n) pressure welding
5痛点  (あっつうてん)
(n) pressure point
6  (あってん)
(n) pressure point
7  (あっぱく)
(n,vs) pressure
8迫包帯  (あっぱくほうたい)
(n) pressure bandage
9  (あつ)
(n) pressure
10力釜  (あつりょくがま)
(n) pressure vessel
11力団体  (あつりょくだんたい)
(n) pressure group
12力調整器  (あつりょくちょうせいき)
(n) pressure regulator
13力鍋  (あつりょくなべ)
(n) pressure cooker
14力波  (あつりょくは)
(n) pressure wave
15力容器  (あつりょくようき)
(n) pressure vessel
16力を加える  (あつりょくをくわえる)
(exp) to apply pressure to
17  (いんあつ)
(n) negative pressure
18  (おす)
(v5s,vt) (1) to apply pressure from above
19  (かあつ)
(n,vs) increasing pressure
20価格  (かかくあつりょく)
(n) price pressure
21接着剤  (かんあつせっちゃくざい)
(n) pressure-sensitive adhesive
22ダイオード  (かんあつダイオード)
(n) pressure sensitive diode
23  (がいあつ)
(n) external pressure
24  (きあつ)
(n) steam pressure
25  (きあつ)
(n) atmospheric pressure
26配置  (きあつはいち)
(n) pressure pattern
27  (きょうあつ)
(n,vs) pressure
28  (くうあつ)
(n) air pressure
29空気  (くうきあつ)
(n) air pressure (of tires)
30  (けつあつ)
(n) blood pressure
31  (けつあつけい)
(n) sphygmomanometer (instrument used to measure blood pressure)
32  (けんあつ)
(n,vs) measuring pressure
33  (けんあつき)
(n) pressure gauge
34  (こうあつざい)
(n) drug to lower blood pressure
35  (こうあつすい)
(n) high-pressure water
36高気  (こうきあつ)
(n) high atmospheric pressure
37高血  (こうけつあつ)
(n) high blood pressure
38高血  (こうけつあつしょう)
(n) high blood pressure (as an illness)
39拘束  (こうそくあつ)
(n) confining pressure
40最高血  (さいこうけつあつ)
(n) systolic blood pressure
41最低血  (さいていけつあつ)
(n) diastolic blood pressure
42  (ざんあつけい)
(n) submersible pressure gauge (diving)
43  (しあつ)
(n,vs) finger pressure massage or therapy
44  (しあつけい)
(n) pressure gauge
45療法  (しあつりょうほう)
(n) acupressure therapy
46収縮期血  (しゅうしゅくきけつあつ)
(n) systolic blood pressure
47主働土係数  (しゅどうどあつけいすう)
(n) coefficient of active earth pressure
48浸透  (しんとうあつ)
(n) osmotic pressure
49  (じゅうあつ)
(n) pressure
50に耐える  (じゅうあつにたえる)
(exp) to withstand pressures
51受働土係数  (じゅどうどあつけいすう)
(n) coefficient of passive earth pressure
52蒸気  (じょうきあつ)
(n) steam pressure
53  (すいあつ)
(n) water (hydraulic) pressure
54  (すいあつけい)
(n) water-pressure gauge
55  (せいあつひ)
(n) static pressure ratio
56静止土係数  (せいしどあつけいすう)
(n) coefficient of earth pressure at rest
57政治的  (せいじてきあつりょく)
(n) political pressure
58静水  (せいすいあつ)
(n) hydrostatic pressure
59  (そくあつ)
(n) lateral pressure
60  (たいあつ)
(n) pressure-resistant
61  (たいあつりょく)
(n) capacity to resist pressure
62大気  (たいきあつ)
(n) atmospheric pressure
63  (ていあつ)
(n) constant pressure
64  (ていあつ)
(n) low pressure
65低気  (ていきあつ)
(adj-na,n) low (atmospheric) pressure
66低血  (ていけつあつ)
(n) low blood pressure
67  (ないあつ)
(n) internal pressure
68仲間集団  (なかましゅうだんあつりょく)
(n) group pressure
69  (はいあつ)
(n) back pressure
70  (ふうあつ)
(n) wind pressure
71腹腔内  (ふくくうないあつ)
(n) abdominal pressure
72  (ゆあつ)
(n) oil pressure
73  (ゆあつけい)
(n) oil pressure gauge
74ゲージ  (ゲージあつりょく)
(n) pressure gauge

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