Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1  (いいん)
(n) doctor's office (surgery)
2  (いんぎ)
(n) legislative decision
3  (かいん)
(n) lower house
4  (きいん)
(n) shogi (go) hall
5  (ぎいん)
(n) congress or parliament
6  (しいん)
(n) (obsc) sub-temple
7  (しいん)
(n) (obsc) sub-temple
8  (しいん)
(n) (obsc) sub-temple
9  (じいん)
(n) temple
10  (にいん)
(n) the two houses of legislature
11  (いんがい)
(n) non-parliamentary
12  (いんごう)
(n) ex-emperor
13  (いんじゅ)
(n) head of a temple
14  (いんせい)
(n) (abbr) graduate student
15  (いんせい)
(n) government by cloistered emperors
16  (いんせん)
(n) imperial command (decree)
17  (いんぜん)
(n) imperial command (decree)
18  (いんない)
(n) (1) inside the House (Diet)
19  (いんぽん)
(n) drama
20  (かいいん)
(n,vs) opening congress
21  (かいんぎ)
(n) lower house (of Parliament, etc.)
22  (がくいん)
(n) institute
23孤児  (こじいん)
(n) orphanage
24  (さんいん)
(n) maternity hospital
25  (さんいん)
(n) (abbr) House of Councillors
26  (しょいん)
(n) drawing room
27  (そういん)
(n) monastery
28退  (たいいん)
(n,vs) leaving hospital
29  (つういん)
(n,vs) commuting to hospital
30  (とういん)
(n,vs) attendance at the House (Diet)
31  (とういん)
(n) this institution
32  (ぶんいん)
(n) branch (of an institution)
33  (へいいん)
(n,vs) adjourning the Diet or an assembly
34  (べついん)
(n) branch temple
35  (ほういん)
(n) court
36  (ほんいん)
(n) this institution
37  (もんいん)
(n) empress dowager
38  (らいいん)
(n,vs) visit to a hospital, temple, school, etc.
39育児  (いくじいん)
(n) orphanage
40  (いんちょう)
(n) director
41奥の  (おくのいん)
(n) inner sanctuary
42科学  (かがくいん)
(n) science institute
43感化  (かんかいん)
(n) reformatory
44学士  (がくしいん)
(n) Japan Academy
45貴族  (きぞくいん)
(n) House of Lords
46控訴  (こうそいん)
(n) appelate court
47国務  (こくむいん)
(n) State Council (of the People's Republic of China)
48後鳥羽  (ごとばいん)
(n) ex-Emperor Gotoba
49参議  (さんぎいん)
(n) House of Councillors
50歯科医  (しかいいん)
(n) dental clinic
51  (しゅういん)
(n) friary
52  (しゅういん)
(n) lower house of the Diet
53  (じょういん)
(n) Upper House
54神祇  (じんぎいん)
(n) (obs) Institute of Divinities (1940-1946)
55人事  (じんじいん)
(n) National Personnel Authority
56大寺  (だいじいん)
(n) large temple
57  (にいんせい)
(n) bicameral system
58尼僧  (にそういん)
(n) nunnery
59  (にゅういん)
(n,vs) hospitalization
60  (びょういん)
(n) hospital
61美容  (びよういん)
(n) beauty parlour
62保養  (ほよういん)
(n) sanatorium
63  (りょういん)
(n) both Houses of Parliament
64  (いいんちょう)
(n) head doctor
65  (いちいんせい)
(n) unicameral system
66外団  (いんがいだん)
(n) nonparliamentary party association
67議員  (かいんぎいん)
(n) member of the lower house
68翰林  (かんりんいん)
(n) academy
69教護  (きょうごいん)
(n) reform school
70元老  (げんろういん)
(n) (Roman) senate
71  (さんいんせん)
(n) (abbr) House of Councillors election
72衆議  (しゅうぎいん)
(n) lower house
73助産  (じょさんいん)
(n) maternity hospital
74枢密  (すうみついん)
(n) (Japanese) Privy Council (abolished in 1947)
75大学  (だいがくいん)
(n) graduate school
76大審  (だいしんいん)
(n) (pre-war Japanese) Supreme Court
77制度  (にいんせいど)
(n) bicameral system
78日本棋  (にほんきいん)
(n) Nihon Kiin, central Go organization of Japan
79乳児  (にゅうじいん)
(n) nursery
80避病  (ひびょういん)
(n) isolation hospital
81美粧  (びしょういん)
(n) beauty shop
82養老  (ようろういん)
(n) home for the aged
83両議  (りょうぎいん)
(n) both houses of parliament
84内会派  (いんないかいは)
(n) in-house faction (political groups within the Diet)
85の内外  (いんのないがい)
(n) legislative circles
86議長  (かいんぎちょう)
(n) Speaker of the House (US, etc.)
87刑事法  (けいじほういん)
(n) criminal court
88県病  (けんびょういん)
(n) prefectural hospital
89芸術  (げいじゅついん)
(n) academy of arts
90国土地理  (こくどちりいん)
(n) Geographical Survey Institute
91歯科病  (しかびょういん)
(n) dental hospital
92修道  (しゅうどういん)
(n) monastery
93造り  (しょいんづくり)
(n) traditional style of Japanese residential architecture
94少年  (しょうねんいん)
(n) reform school
95措置入  (そちにゅういん)
(n,vs) involuntary admission (commitment) (to a mental hospital)
96入退  (にゅうたいいん)
(n,vs) entering and leaving hospital
97  (びょういんせん)
(n) a hospital ship
98米上  (べいじょういん)
(n) US Senate
99内感染  (いんないかんせん)
(n) infection incurred while hospitalized (hospitalised)
100回教寺  (かいきょうじいん)
(n) mosque

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