Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1  (かた)
(n) (1) direction
2  (よも)
(n) every direction
3  (えほう)
(n) favourable or lucky direction (favorable)
4  (しほう)
(n) every direction
5  (ほうい)
(n) direction
6  (かたへん)
(n) kanji "direction" radical at left (radical 70)
7西  (さいほう)
(n) western direction
8  (しょほう)
(n) every direction
9  (じっぽう)
(n) (1) the ten directions (north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest, up & down)
10西  (せいほう)
(n) western direction
11  (とうほう)
(n) (1) eastern direction
12  (ほうがく)
(n) direction
13  (ほうこう)
(n) direction
14  (ほうへん)
(n) kanji "direction" radical at left (radical 70)
15  (ほうめん)
(n) direction
16  (ろっぽう)
(n) (1) the six directions (north, south, east, west, up, and down)
17  (きょうがた)
(n) the direction of Kyoto
18  (ぜんほうい)
(n) every direction
19西の  (にしのほう)
(n) western direction
20  (ひがしがた)
(n) (1) eastern direction
21参り  (えほうまいり)
(n) New Year's visit to a shrine or temple which lies in a favorable (favourable) or lucky direction
22  (ぎゃくほうこう)
(n) the opposite direction
23  (しほうはっぽう)
(n) in all directions
24世界  (じっぽうせかい)
(n) (Buddh) worlds of the ten directions
25  (ちょうほうこう)
(n) longitudinal direction
26向音痴  (ほうこうおんち)
(n) (person with) no sense of direction
27向を指す  (ほうこうをさす)
(exp) to point to a direction
28  (りょうほうこう)
(n,adj-no) two directions
29攻撃  (こうげきほうこう)
(n) attacking direction
30反鉋  (しほうそりかんな)
(n) wooden plane with a convex base curved both along the direction of cutting and across the blade
31反り鉋  (しほうそりかんな)
(n) wooden plane with a convex base curved both along the direction of cutting and across the blade
32反かんな  (しほうそりかんな)
(n) wooden plane with a convex base curved both along the direction of cutting and across the blade
33反りかんな  (しほうそりかんな)
(n) wooden plane with a convex base curved both along the direction of cutting and across the blade
34進行  (しんこうほうこう)
(n) direction of movement (motion)
35位測定器  (ほういそくていき)
(n) direction finder
36向観念  (ほうこうかんねん)
(n) sense of direction
37向探知器  (ほうこうたんちき)
(n) direction finder
38位外交  (ぜんほういがいこう)
(n) (Japanese) omnidirectional foreign policy
39自動向探知機  (じどうほうこうたんちき)
(n) automatic direction finder
40無線位測定器  (むせんほういそくていき)
(n) (obsc) radio direction finder

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