Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1  (うしろ)
(io) (n) back
2  (うしろ)
(n) back
3  (こうし)
(n) heir
4  (こうし)
(n) hindwing
5  (こうし)
(n) hindlimb
6ろ手  (うしろで)
(n) with hands (tied) behind one's back
7  (こうしつ)
(n) dowager
8  (こうしゃ)
(n) rear car
9  (こうしゃ)
(n) the latter
10  (こうしん)
(n) (1) one's junior
11  (まうしろ)
(n) right behind
12ろ明き  (うしろあき)
(n,adj-no) clothing with the opening at the back
13ろ足  (うしろあし)
(n) hind foot
14ろから  (うしろから)
(exp) from behind
15ろ髪  (うしろがみ)
(n) hair in back
16ろ盾  (うしろだて)
(n) supporter
17ろ楯  (うしろだて)
(n) backing
18ろ前  (うしろまえ)
(n) backwards
19ろ向き  (うしろむき)
(n) back facing
20向き  (うしろむき)
(n) back facing
21  (うしろゆび)
(n) being talked about or backbitten
22ろ指  (うしろゆび)
(n) being talked about or backbitten
23  (うしろわざ)
(n) (MA) Aikido rear defence (defense)
24  (こうしゅつ)
(n,vs) later
25  (まえうしろ)
(n) front and back
26ろ合わせ  (うしろあわせ)
(adv) back to back
27ろ合せ  (うしろあわせ)
(adv) back to back
28ろ暗い  (うしろぐらい)
(adj) shady
29姿  (うしろすがた)
(io) (n) retreating figure
30ろ姿  (うしろすがた)
(n) retreating figure
31ろ身頃  (うしろみごろ)
(n) back part of a kimono
32ろめたい  (うしろめたい)
(adj) feeling guilty
33ろもたれ  (うしろもたれ)
(n) backward lean out (sumo)
34進国  (こうしんこく)
(n) (sens) undeveloped country
35夕食  (ゆうしょくご)
(n) after dinner
36ろ鉢巻  (うしろはちまき)
(n) hachimaki tied in the back
37ろを見せる  (うしろをみせる)
(exp) to turn one's back (on the enemy)
38方支援  (こうほうしえん)
(n) logistical support
39昼食  (ちゅうしょくご)
(n-t) after lunch
40朝食  (ちょうしょくご)
(n-t) after breakfast
41ろ暗いこと  (うしろぐらいこと)
(n) shady matters
42ろ暗い事  (うしろぐらいこと)
(n) shady matters
43に倒れる  (うしろにたおれる)
(exp) to fall backward
44ろ指を指す  (うしろゆびをさす)
(exp) (obsc) to talk about someone behind their back
45指を指す  (うしろゆびをさす)
(exp) (obsc) to talk about someone behind their back
46欧州  (せんごおうしゅう)
(n) post-war Europe
47ろめたく思う  (うしろめたくおもう)
(exp) to have a guilty conscience
48手がろに回る  (てがうしろにまわる)
(exp) to have one's hands tied behind one
49ろ髪を引かれる  (うしろがみをひかれる)
(exp) to do something with painful reluctance
50ろ様に倒れる  (うしろざまにたおれる)
(exp) to fall backward
51ろ指を指される  (うしろゆびをさされる)
(exp) to be talked about behind one's back
52ろ指をさされる  (うしろゆびをさされる)
(exp) to be talked about behind one's back
53敵にろを見せる  (てきにうしろをみせる)
(exp) to turn one's back on the enemy
54ろ髪を引かれる思いがする  (うしろがみをひかれるおもいがする)
(exp) to do something with painful reluctance

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