Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1  (じ)
(n) character
2  (いじ)
(n) variant character
3  (かじ)
(n) Chinese character
4  (ぎじ)
(n) character of questionable form
5  (にじ)
(n) two characters
6  (あてじ)
(n) phonetic-equivalent character
7  (あてじ)
(n) phonetic-equivalent character
8あて  (あてじ)
(n) phonetic-equivalent character
9宛て  (あてじ)
(n) phonetic-equivalent character
10当て  (あてじ)
(n) phonetic-equivalent character
11  (うそじ)
(n) incorrect character
12  (えんじ)
(n) (inadvertent) insertion of a character in a text
13  (おやじ)
(n) first character (of a dictionary entry)
14借り  (かりじ)
(n) characters borrowed (to represent the meaning)
15  (かんじ)
(n) Chinese characters
16  (がいじ)
(n) (1) characters not in Joyo Kanji
17  (こくじ)
(n) carving characters
18  (しんじ)
(n) newly created character (esp. kokuji)
19  (じかく)
(n) number of strokes in character
20  (じかん)
(n) space between letters or characters
21  (じけい)
(n) character style or form
22  (じげん)
(n) construction of character
23  (じしょ)
(n) (character) dictionary
24  (じすう)
(n) number of characters or letters
25詰め  (じづめ)
(n) number of characters
26  (じてん)
(n) character dictionary
27  (せいじ)
(n) correct characters
28  (ぞくじ)
(n) popular characters
29  (だいじ)
(n) (1) large character
30  (だつじ)
(n) omitted word or character
31  (てんじ)
(n) seal script character
32  (どうじ)
(n) the same character
33  (ほうじ)
(n) Japanese characters
34  (ほんじ)
(n) Chinese character
35  (ぼんじ)
(n) Sanskrit characters
36  (ようじ)
(n) (obsc) characters used by Western civilization (esp. the Latin alphabet)
37  (ようじ)
(n) using characters
38  (おどりじ)
(io) (n) iteration mark (used to represent repetition of the previous character)
39踊り  (おどりじ)
(n) iteration mark (used to represent repetition of the previous character)
40躍り  (おどりじ)
(n) iteration mark (used to represent repetition of the previous character)
41  (おどりじ)
(n) iteration mark (used to represent repetition of the previous character)
42顔文  (かおもじ)
(n) smiley (face made up of characters)
43  (きゅうじ)
(n) old characters
44崩し  (くずしじ)
(n) character written in a cursive style
45  (じょうじ)
(n) repetition of the previous character
46一文  (ひともじ)
(n) (1) (arch) (fem) one (written) character
47人文  (ひともじ)
(n) arranging a group of people so as to form a character or spell out a message
48二文  (ふたもじ)
(n) (1) two (written) characters
49細い  (ほそいじ)
(n) slender character
50化け  (もじばけ)
(n) unintelligible sequence of characters
51  (もじれつ)
(n) character string
52一丁  (いっていじ)
(n) single letter or character
53英数  (えいすうじ)
(n) alphanumeric character
54漢数  (かんすうじ)
(n) Chinese characters which express numbers
55くの  (くのじてん)
(n) iteration mark shaped like the hiragana "ku" (used in vertical writing to represent repetition of two or more characters)
56  (しんじたい)
(n) new form of a character
57八文  (はちもんじ)
(n) (in) the shape of the character hachi (eight)
58繁体  (はんたいじ)
(n) traditional (unsimplified) form of kanji (Chinese characters)
59コード  (もじコード)
(n) character code (e.g. JIS, Unicode, etc.)
60成句  (よじせいく)
(n) Chinese four-character phrase or idiomatic expression
61キリル文  (キリルもじ)
(n) Cyrillic character
62ロシア文  (ロシアもじ)
(n) Russian character(s)
63一丁  (いっちょうじ)
(n) single letter or character
64音節文  (おんせつもじ)
(n) syllabic character
65漢和  (かんわじてん)
(n) Chinese-Japanese character dictionary
66  (きゅうじたい)
(n) old character form
67空白文  (くうはくもじ)
(n) space character
68形声文  (けいせいもじ)
(n) semasio-phonetic character (combining semantic and phonetic components)
69光学文  (こうがくもじ)
(n) optical character
70甲骨文  (こうこつもじ)
(n) ancient inscriptions of Chinese characters on oracle bones and carapaces
71後退文  (こうたいもじ)
(n) backspace character
72神代文  (じんだいもじ)
(n) ancient Japanese characters (regarded today as created at a much more recent date)
73全角文  (ぜんかくもじ)
(n) full-width character
74日本語文  (にほんごもじ)
(n) Japanese character
75半角文  (はんかくもじ)
(n) half-width character
76熟語  (よじじゅくご)
(n) four-character idiomatic compounds
77ギリシア文  (ギリシアもじ)
(n) Greek character(s)
78ギリシャ文  (ギリシャもじ)
(n) Greek character(s)
79八法  (えいじはっぽう)
(n) the eight basic brush strokes in writing Chinese characters
80空白文  (くうはくもんじ)
(ok) (n) space character
81制限漢  (せいげんかんじ)
(n) restricted Chinese characters
82情報  (もじじょうほう)
(n) character information
83装飾  (もじそうしょく)
(n) text decoration (e.g. character and font effects, underline, etc.)
84符号系  (もじふごうけい)
(n) character coding system
85集合  (えいじしゅうごう)
(n) alphabetic character set
86文化圏  (かんじぶんかけん)
(n) countries which use Chinese characters
87全角ローマ  (ぜんかくローマじ)
(n) full-width Roman character
88手を象った  (てをかたどったじ)
(exp) character representing a hand
89半角ローマ  (はんかくローマじ)
(n) half-width Roman character
90符号化法  (もじふごうかほう)
(n) character encoding scheme
91制限論  (かんじせいげんろん)
(n) the question of limiting the use of Chinese characters
92読取り装置  (もじよみとりそうち)
(n) character reader
93符号化文集合  (ふごうかもじしゅうごう)
(n) coded character set

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