Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1  (つち)
(n) earth
2  (あかつち)
(n) red clay
3置き  (おきつち)
(n) earth taken from elsewhere and placed atop
4  (かべつち)
(n) plaster
5  (くろつち)
(n) black terracotta
6肥え  (こえつち)
(n) rich soil
7  (こえつち)
(n) rich soil
8差し  (さしつち)
(n) adding soil to a flowerbed
9  (そこつち)
(n) subsoil
10  (つちいろ)
(n) earth (color, colour)
11  (つちかべ)
(n) mud wall
12  (つちがみ)
(n) earthgod
13  (つちくれ)
(n) lump of earth
14蜘蛛  (つちぐも)
(n) (1) (uk) Atypus karschi (Asian species of mygalomorph spider)
15  (つちぐも)
(n) (1) tsuchigumo (people of ancient Japan who were not subjects of the Yamato court)
16  (つちばち)
(n) (uk) scoliid wasp (any wasp of family Scoliidae)
17  (つちぶた)
(n) aardvark (Orycteropus)
18  (つちへん)
(n) kanji "earth" radical at left
19焼き  (つちやき)
(n) unglazed earthenware
20寄せ  (つちよせ)
(n,vs) piling up or covering with earth
21  (つちろう)
(n) dungeon
22  (ねばつち)
(n) clay
23  (はいつち)
(n) ashes and earth
24  (もりつち)
(n) embankment
25盛り  (もりつち)
(n) embankment (for road, railway, etc.)
26痩せ  (やせつち)
(n) barren soil
27肥えた  (こえたつち)
(n) rich (fertile) soil
28遊び  (つちあそび)
(n) making things out of dirt (for fun)
29いじり  (つちいじり)
(n) (1) playing with dirt
30弄り  (つちいじり)
(n) (1) playing with dirt
31  (つちがえる)
(n) (uk) wrinkled frog (Rana rugosa)
32臭い  (つちくさい)
(adj) smelling of earth
33気色  (つちけいろ)
(n) earth (color, colour)
34  (つちけむり)
(n) a cloud of dust
35団子  (つちだんご)
(n) (1) mud pie
36付かず  (つちつかず)
(n) clean record
37踏まず  (つちふまず)
(n) the arch of the foot
38  (つちぼこり)
(n) dust
39  (つちぼたる)
(n) glowworm
40に埋める  (つちにうめる)
(exp) to bury in the ground
41に帰る  (つちにかえる)
(exp) to die
42を均す  (つちをならす)
(exp) to level the ground
43人形  (つちにんぎょう)
(n) clay doll
44斑猫  (つちはんみょう)
(n) (uk) blister beetle
45を固める  (つちをかためる)
(exp) to harden earth into a mass
46を被せる  (つちをかぶせる)
(exp) to cover with earth
47軟らかな  (やわらかなつち)
(n) soft earth
48斑猫  (ひめつちはんみょう)
(n) (uk) Meloe coarctatus (species of oil beetle)

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