Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1  (いえで)
(n,vs) running away from home
2で湯  (いでゆ)
(n) hot spring
3  (いでゆ)
(n) hot spring
4  (おいで)
(n) (1) (uk) coming
5  (おいで)
(n) (1) (uk) coming
6  (すいし)
(n) dispatch of troops
7会い  (であい)
(n) meeting
8合い  (であい)
(n) encounter
9入り  (でいり)
(n,vs) in and out
10言い  (いいだす)
(v5s,vt) to start talking
11  (いいだす)
(v5s,vt) to start talking
12  (いしゅつ)
(n,vs) export
13で立ち  (いでたち)
(n) dress
14で立つ  (いでたつ)
(v5t,vi) to start
15  (いでぶね)
(n) weighing anchor
16  (いまでき)
(n) something new
17追い  (おいだす)
(v5s,vt) to expel
18思い  (おもいで)
(n) memories
19想い  (おもいで)
(n) memories
20買い  (かいだし)
(n) purchase
21掻い  (かいだす)
(v5s,vt) to bail out
22吸い  (すいだす)
(v5s,vt) to suck (or draw) out
23  (すいだす)
(v5s,vt) to suck (or draw) out
24  (すいとう)
(n,vs) receipts and expenditure (disbursements)
25  (せいだす)
(v5s,vi) to exert oneself
26し入れ  (だしいれ)
(n,vs) deposit and withdraw
27使い  (つかいで)
(n) lasting quality
28来合い  (できあい)
(n) ready-made
29嫌い  (でぎらい)
(n) stay-at-home
30稽古  (でげいこ)
(n) (1) giving lessons at pupils' homes
31て行く  (でていく)
(v5k-s) to go out and away
32ていく  (でていく)
(v5k-s) to go out and away
33入り  (ではいり)
(n,vs) in and out
34這入り  (ではいり)
(n,vs) in and out
35払い  (ではらい)
(n) being out of
36  (でびたい)
(n) beetle brows
37やすい  (でやすい)
(adj) tending to break out or project easily
38願い  (ねがいで)
(n) application
39這い  (はいだす)
(v5s,vi) to crawl or creep out of
40這い  (はいでる)
(v1,vi) to crawl or creep out of
41見い  (みいだす)
(v5s,vt) to find out
42  (みいだす)
(v5s,vt) to find out
43だす  (みいだす)
(v5s,vt) to find out
44度い  (めでたい)
(adj) (1) (uk) happy
45度い  (めでたい)
(adj) (1) (uk) happy
46洗い  (あらいだし)
(n) washout
47洗い  (あらいだす)
(v5s,vt) to bring to light
48怒り  (いかりだす)
(v5s) to fly into a rage
49  (いっしゅつ)
(n,vs) escape
50燻り  (いぶりだす)
(v5s,vt) to smoke animal out of its den
51お芽度い  (おめでたい)
(n) (1) (uk) special
52お目度い  (おめでたい)
(n) (1) (uk) special
53御芽度い  (おめでたい)
(n) (1) (uk) special
54御目度い  (おめでたい)
(n) (1) (uk) special
55思い  (おもいだす)
(v5s,vt) to recall
56  (がいしゅつ)
(n,vs) outing
57切り  (きりいだす)
(v5s,vt) to quarry
58  (さいしゅつ)
(n,vs) reappearance
59  (さいしゅつ)
(n) annual expenditure
60誘い  (さそいだす)
(v5s,vt) to lure
61  (しゅっかい)
(n,vs) encounter
62  (しゅっすい)
(n,vs) flood
63  (しゅっすい)
(n) appearance of ears of grain
64  (しゅっせい)
(n,vs) birth
65  (しゅっせい)
(n,vs) diligence
66  (しゅっせい)
(n,vs) departure (for the front)
67  (しゅったい)
(n,vs) occurrence
68  (しゅってい)
(n,vs) appearance in court
69  (しゅっぺい)
(n,vs) dispatch of troops
70  (しゅつだい)
(n,vs) proposing a question
71  (しゅつるい)
(n,vs) on base (baseball)
72納簿  (すいとうぼ)
(n) cashbook
73掬い  (すくいだす)
(v5s) to bail (water out of a boat)
74救い  (すくいだす)
(v5s,vt) to rescue
75  (せいしゅつ)
(n,adj-no) legitimate child
76精を  (せいをだす)
(exp) to work hard (diligently)
77染め  (そめいだす)
(v5s,vt) to dye
78  (そめいだす)
(v5s,vt) to dye
79  (たいしゅつ)
(n,vs) taking out
80退  (たいしゅつ)
(n,vs) withdrawal
81使い  (つかいだす)
(v5s) to start using
82  (ていしゅつ)
(n,vs) present
83  (ていしゅつ)
(iK) (vs) (1) to present
84  (ていしゅつ)
(vs) (1) to present
85商い  (であきない)
(n) peddling
86入り口  (でいりぐち)
(n) exit and entrance
87入口  (でいりぐち)
(n) exit and entrance
88来具合  (できぐあい)
(n) result
89来次第  (できしだい)
(n-t) as soon as completed
90放題  (でほうだい)
(adj-na,n) free flow (of water)
91説き  (ときいだす)
(v5s,vi) to begin to speak
92願い  (ねがいでる)
(v1,vt) to apply for
93  (はいしゅつ)
(n,vs) evacuation
94  (はいしゅつ)
(n,vs) turning out in great numbers
95払い  (はらいだす)
(v5s,vt) to pay (out)
96拾い  (ひろいだす)
(v5s,vt) to single out
97申し  (もうしいで)
(n) proposal
98  (もうしいで)
(n) proposal
99良い  (よいであし)
(n) good turnout of people
100塁に  (るいにでる)
(exp) to go to first

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