Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1  (きこう)
(n) climate
2風土  (きこうふうど)
(n) climate and natural features (of a region)
3風土気  (ふうどきこう)
(n) climate and natural features (of a region)
4海岸気  (かいがんきこう)
(n) coastal climate
5乾燥気  (かんそうきこう)
(n) arid climate
6変動  (きこうへんどう)
(n) climate change
7亜寒帯気  (あかんたいきこう)
(n) subarctic climate
8亜熱帯気  (あねったいきこう)
(n) subtropical climate
9七十二  (しちじゅうにこう)
(n) the 72 'climates' of the year based on the 24 solar seasons further divided into three
10モンスーン気  (モンスーンきこう)
(n) monsoon climate
11海洋性気  (かいようせいきこう)
(n) oceanic climate
12大陸性気  (たいりくせいきこう)
(n) continental climate
13内陸性気  (ないりくせいきこう)
(n) continental or inland climate
14熱帯雨林気  (ねったいうりんきこう)
(n) tropical rain forest climate
15地中海性気  (ちちゅうかいせいきこう)
(n) Mediterranean climate
16熱帯モンスーン気  (ねったいモンスーンきこう)
(n) tropical monsoon climate

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