Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1  (ふに)
(n) (Buddh) advaitam (non-duality)
2支持  (ふしじ)
(n) non-support
3  (ふのう)
(n) non-payment
4  (ふよう)
(adj-na,n) non-business
5  (ふよう)
(adj-na,n) non-business
6渡り  (ふわたり)
(n) non-payment
7織布  (ふしょくふ)
(n) non-woven (fabric) (e.g. felts and such)
8信任  (ふしんにん)
(n) non-confidence
9整合  (ふせいごう)
(n) non-conformance
10燃性  (ふねんせい)
(n,adj-no) non-inflammability
11燃物  (ふねんぶつ)
(n) non-inflammables
12乾性油  (ふかんせいゆ)
(n) non-drying oil
13揮発性  (ふきはつせい)
(n) non-volatility
14回復可能  (かいふくふかのう)
(n) non-recoverable
15採算部門  (ふさいさんぶもん)
(n) (1) non-profit sector
16可侵条約  (ふかしんじょうやく)
(n) non-aggression pact
17内政干渉  (ないせいふかんしょう)
(n) non-intervention in the domestic affairs of another nation
18内閣信任案  (ないかくふしんにんあん)
(n) parliamentary motion of non-confidence against the cabinet

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