Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1  (おうか)
(n) forcing down
2  (おさげ)
(n) wearing one's hair in braids
3り場  (おりば)
(n) dismounting place
4りる  (おりる)
(v1,vi) to alight (e.g. from bus)
5ろし  (おろし)
(n) grating
6  (おろす)
(io) (v5s,vt) (1) to take down (e.g. flag)
7ろす  (おろす)
(v5s,vt) (1) to take down (e.g. flag)
8  (さげお)
(n) sword knot
9げ緒  (さげお)
(n) on a traditional Japanese sword's sheath (saya), a string tied to it in order to attach it to an obi
10がり  (おさがり)
(n) food offering to the gods
11がり  (おさがり)
(n) food offering to the gods
12り口  (おりくち)
(n) top of a flight of stairs
13り口  (おりぐち)
(n) top of a flight of stairs
14り立つ  (おりたつ)
(v5t,vi) (1) to go down and stand
15り物  (おりもの)
(n) (1) afterbirth
16げ潮  (さげしお)
(n) ebb tide
17押し  (したおし)
(n) a fall or drop
18押す  (したおす)
(v5s) to decline (stock market)
19  (したおび)
(n) loincloth
20飛び  (とびおり)
(n) jumping off
21ろす  (みおろす)
(v5s,vt) to overlook
22上がり  (あがりおり)
(n,vs) going up and down
23上げろし  (あげおろし)
(n) raising and lowering
24打ちろし  (うちおろし)
(n) (1) low hit (e.g. in baseball or golf)
25打ちろす  (うちおろす)
(v5s,vt) to strike someone a blow
26押しげる  (おしさげる)
(v1,vt) to push or press or force down
27り上り  (おりのぼり)
(n) going up and down
28ろし和え  (おろしあえ)
(n) seasoning of grated daikon with soy and vinegar, usually for fish or vegetables
29ろし金  (おろしがね)
(n) (vegetable) grater
30し金  (おろしがね)
(n) (vegetable) grater
31書きろし  (かきおろし)
(n) writing something on commission
32描きろす  (かきおろす)
(v5s) to draw for a specific purpose
33書きろす  (かきおろす)
(v5s,vt) to write a play, book, filmscript, etc.
34駆けりる  (かけおりる)
(v1) to run down
35りる  (かけおりる)
(v1) to run down
36属音  (かぞくおん)
(n) subdominant
37ろし  (きたおろし)
(n) cold wind from the northern uplands
38切りろす  (きりおろす)
(v5s,vt) to slash downward
39種女  (げすおんな)
(n) woman of low rank
40駄直し  (げたなおし)
(n) repairing clogs
41ろす  (こきおろす)
(v5s,vt) to denounce
42扱きろす  (こきおろす)
(v5s,vt) to denounce
43ろし  (すなおろし)
(n) cleaning dirt or sand out of the digestive system
44ろし  (たねおろし)
(n,vs) sowing
45積みろす  (つみおろす)
(v5s) to unload
46飛びりる  (とびおりる)
(v1,vi) to jump down
47投げろす  (なげおろす)
(v5s,vt) to dump (a load of something)
48ろす  (なげおろす)
(v5s,vt) to dump (a load of something)
49撫でろす  (なでおろす)
(v5s) to stroke down
50荷がりる  (にがおりる)
(exp) to be relieved from one's duty
51荷をろす  (にをおろす)
(exp) to take a load off
52根をろす  (ねをおろす)
(exp) to take root
53登り  (のぼりおり)
(n,vs) rising and falling
54上り  (のぼりおり)
(n,vs) rising and falling
55引きろす  (ひきおろす)
(v5s,vt) to haul down
56ろす  (ひきおろす)
(v5s,vt) to haul down
57吹きろす  (ふきおろす)
(v5s,vi) to blow down upon
58振りろす  (ふりおろす)
(v5s) to swing downward
59ろし  (ゆきおろし)
(n,vs) (1) wind blowing snow down a mountain
60の通り  (いかのとおり)
(n) as below
61丘を  (おかをくだる)
(exp) to go down a hill
62ろし薬  (おろしぐすり)
(n) an abortive
63腰をろす  (こしをおろす)
(exp) to sit down
64坂をりる  (さかをおりる)
(exp) to go downhill
65請負  (したうけおい)
(n) subcontract
66仕立てろし  (したておろし)
(n) brand new (clothes)
67滑りりる  (すべりおりる)
(v1) to slide down (a hill) (e.g. ski, toboggan)
68幕がりる  (まくがおりる)
(exp) to lower the curtain
69列王記  (れつおうきか)
(n) Kings II (book of the Bible)
70王后陛  (おうこうへいか)
(n) Her Majesty the Queen
71し大根  (おろしだいこん)
(n) grated radish
72国王陛  (こくおうへいか)
(exp) His Majesty the King
73錠をろす  (じょうをおろす)
(exp) to lock
74女王陛  (じょおうへいか)
(exp) Her Majesty the Queen
75肩の荷がりる  (かたのにがおりる)
(exp) to feel relieved of one's burden
76看板をろす  (かんばんをおろす)
(exp) to close one's business
77げ緒七術  (さげおななじゅつ)
(n) seven techniques using a ninja sword
78にもおかない  (したにもおかない)
(exp) giving a royal welcome
79にも置かない  (したにもおかない)
(exp) giving a royal welcome
80貯金をろす  (ちょきんをおろす)
(exp) to withdraw one's savings
81宿人を置く  (げしゅくにんをおく)
(exp) to keep boarders
82錠がりている  (じょうがおりている)
(exp) to be locked
83上をへの大騒ぎ  (うえをしたへのおおさわぎ)
(exp) to be in a state of confusion
84柳のに何時も泥鰌は居らぬ  (やなぎのしたにいつもどじようはおらぬ)
(exp) (obsc) just because a method works once doesn't mean it will work every time (lit: there aren't always loach under the willow tree)
85柳のにいつも泥鰌はおらぬ  (やなぎのしたにいつもどじようはおらぬ)
(exp) (obsc) just because a method works once doesn't mean it will work every time (lit: there aren't always loach under the willow tree)

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