Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1相手次  (あいてしだい)
(adv) determining an attitude or response according to the opponent
2安全  (あんぜんだいいち)
(n) safety first
3開巻  (かいかんだいいち)
(n) at the very beginning of a book
4係る次に候条  (かかるしだいにそうろうじょう)
(n) such being the case
5勝手次  (かってしだい)
(adj-na,n) acting according to one's inclinations
6来次  (きしだい)
(exp,n-adv) as soon as (he, she, it) comes
7気分次  (きぶんしだい)
(n) according to (depending on) the mood of the moment
8  (きゅうだい)
(n,vs) passing an examination
9  (きゅうだいしゃ)
(n) successful examinee
10  (きゅうだいてん)
(n) passing mark
11事と次  (こととしだいで)
(exp) if things permit
12式次  (しきしだい)
(n) program of a ceremony (programme)
13  (しだい)
(n-adv,n) (1) dependent upon
14書き  (しだいがき)
(n) printed program
15  (しだいしだいに)
(adv) gradually
16  (しだいに)
(adv) (1) gradually (progress into a state)
17出世一主義  (しゅっせだいいちしゅぎ)
(n) careerism
18実力次  (じつりょくしだい)
(n) according to (depending on) one's ability
19  (だい)
(n,pref) ordinal
20  (だいいち)
(adv,n) first
21一位  (だいいちい)
(n) first place
22一印象  (だいいちいんしょう)
(n) first impression
23一楽章  (だいいちがくしょう)
(n) first movement (mus)
24一義  (だいいちぎ)
(n) first principle
25一義的  (だいいちぎてき)
(n,adj-na) basic
26一次  (だいいちじ)
(n) the first ...
27一次産業  (だいいちじさんぎょう)
(n) primary industry
28一次上海事変  (だいいちじしゃんはいじへん)
(n) Shanghai Incident
29一次世界大戦  (だいいちじせかいたいせん)
(n) World War I
30一条  (だいいちじょう)
(n) first article
31一人者  (だいいちにんしゃ)
(n) leading person
32一人称  (だいいちにんしょう)
(n) (ling) first person
33一部長  (だいいちぶちょう)
(n) assistant chief of staff, g1
34一流  (だいいちりゅう)
(n) first-class
35一課  (だいいっか)
(n) Lesson one
36一巻  (だいいっかん)
(n) volume 1
37一級殺人  (だいいっきゅうさつじん)
(n) first-degree murder
38一集  (だいいっしゅう)
(n) first series
39一輯  (だいいっしゅう)
(n) first series
40一章  (だいいっしょう)
(n) chapter one
41一審  (だいいっしん)
(n) first hearing
42一審裁判所  (だいいっしんさいばんしょ)
(n) court of first instance
43一声  (だいいっせい)
(n) first tone
44一線  (だいいっせん)
(n) the front (of a battlefield)
45一歩  (だいいっぽ)
(n) first step
46  (だいご)
(n) the fifth
47五列  (だいごれつ)
(n) fifth column
48  (だいさん)
(n) the third
49三階級  (だいさんかいきゅう)
(n) the third estate
50三紀  (だいさんき)
(n) the Tertiary period
51三国  (だいさんごく)
(n) a third country
52三者  (だいさんしゃ)
(n) third person
53三者割当増資  (だいさんしゃわりあてぞうし)
(n) third-party allocation of shares
54三種郵便物  (だいさんしゅゆうびんぶつ)
(n) third-class mail matter
55三次  (だいさんじ)
(n) the third ...
56三次産業  (だいさんじさんぎょう)
(n) tertiary industry
57三政党  (だいさんせいとう)
(n) third party
58三勢力  (だいさんせいりょく)
(n) a third force
59三世界  (だいさんせかい)
(n) the Third World
60三帝国  (だいさんていこく)
(n) the Third Reich
61三人称  (だいさんにんしょう)
(n) (ling) third person
62三のビール  (だいさんのビール)
(n) cheap, malt-free beer-like alcoholic beverage (lit: "third beer")
63三部長  (だいさんぶちょう)
(n) assistant chief of staff, g3
64四紀  (だいしき)
(n) Quaternary period
65  (だいに)
(n) second
66二義  (だいにぎ)
(n) secondary meaning
67二組合  (だいにくみあい)
(n) rival labor union
68二次  (だいにじ)
(n) the second ...
69二次産業  (だいにじさんぎょう)
(n) secondary industry
70二次上海事変  (だいにじしゃんはいじへん)
(n) Battle of Shanghai (1937)
71二次性徴  (だいにじせいちょう)
(n) secondary sex characteristic
72二次世界大戦  (だいにじせかいたいせん)
(n) World War II
73二次大戦  (だいにじたいせん)
(n) Second World War
74二人称  (だいににんしょう)
(n) (ling) second person
75二部  (だいにぶ)
(n) second division
76二部長  (だいにぶちょう)
(n) assistant chief of staff, g2
77二量子化  (だいにりょうしか)
(n) second quantisation (physics)
78四階級  (だいよんかいきゅう)
(n) the fourth estate
79四紀  (だいよんき)
(n) Quaternary period
80六感  (だいろっかん)
(n) the sixth sense
81都合次  (つごうしだい)
(n) depending on the (one's) situation (circumstances)
82手当たり次  (てあたりしだい)
(adv) using anything one can lay one's hands on
83呈示次  (ていじしだい)
(n-adv) at (upon) presentation
84天下  (てんかだいいち)
(n,adj-no) the best in the land
85天気次  (てんきしだい)
(n) being dependent on what the weather is like
86でき次  (できしだい)
(n-t) as soon as completed
87出来次  (できしだい)
(n-t) as soon as completed
88東証一部  (とうしょうだいいちぶ)
(n) First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
89  (とうだい)
(n,vs) passing the examination
90当代  (とうだいだいいち)
(n,adj-no) the greatest of the day
91到着次  (とうちゃくしだい)
(n-adv) upon arrival of an item (items)
92熱力学の1法則  (ねつりきがくのだいいちほうそく)
(n) first law of thermodynamics
93熱力学の一法則  (ねつりきがくのだいいちほうそく)
(n) first law of thermodynamics
94熱力学の三法則  (ねつりきがくのだいさんほうそく)
(n) third law of thermodynamics
95熱力学の3法則  (ねつりきがくのだいさんほうそく)
(n) third law of thermodynamics
96熱力学の2法則  (ねつりきがくのだいにほうそく)
(n) second law of thermodynamics
97熱力学の二法則  (ねつりきがくのだいにほうそく)
(n) second law of thermodynamics
98熱力学の0法則  (ねつりきがくのだいゼロほうそく)
(n) zeroth law of thermodynamics
99熱力学の零法則  (ねつりきがくのだいゼロほうそく)
(n) zeroth law of thermodynamics
100望み次  (のぞみしだい)
(n) just as one wishes

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