Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1い合う  (うたいあう)
(v5u) to sing responsively
2い上げる  (うたいあげる)
(v1,vt) to sing at the top of one's voice
3い手  (うたいて)
(n) singer
4い捲る  (うたいまくる)
(v5r) to sing energetically
5いまくる  (うたいまくる)
(v5r) to sing energetically
6  (うたう)
(v5u,vt) (1) to sing
7合戦  (うたがっせん)
(n) singing matches
8  (うたごえ)
(n) singing voice
9売れっ子  (うれっこかしゅ)
(n) popular singer
10  (えんかかしゅ)
(n) Enka singer
11  (かしゅ)
(n) singer
12唱力  (かしょうりょく)
(n) one's skill as a singer
13且つ飲み且つ  (かつのみかつうたう)
(v5u) to drink and sing at the same time
14  (かぶ)
(n,vs) singing and dancing
15  (げんか)
(n) singing and (string) music
16  (げんか)
(n,vs) singing
17  (こうか)
(n,vs) loud singing
18放吟  (こうかほうぎん)
(n) singing at the top of one's voice
19紅白合戦  (こうはくうたがっせん)
(n) annual singing contest held on New Year's Eve
20  (しょうか)
(n,vs) singing
21新人  (しんじんかしゅ)
(n) new singer
22そらで  (そらでうたう)
(exp) to sing from memory
23空で  (そらでうたう)
(exp) to sing from memory
24達磨  (だるまうた)
(n) (obsc) confusing song or poem (esp. used derogatorily to describe a style of middle-age Japanese poetry popularized by Fujiwara no Teika)
25一節  (ひとふしうたう)
(v5u) to sing a tune
26  (ほうか)
(n,vs) loud singing
27高吟  (ほうかこうぎん)
(n,vs) loud singing
28褒め  (ほめうたう)
(v5u) to sing praises to
29  (よろこびうたう)
(v5u) to rejoice and sing
30流行  (りゅうこうかしゅ)
(n) popular singer
31アルト  (アルトかしゅ)
(n) alto (voice or singer)

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