Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1  (しけん)
(n,vs) examination
2  (ちけん)
(n) clinical trial
3  (けいけん)
(n,vs) experience
4  (けんざん)
(n,vs) verification of accounts
5  (こうけん)
(n) efficacy
6  (しけんき)
(n) testing apparatus
7  (しけんし)
(n) litmus paper
8  (じっけん)
(n,vs) experiment
9  (じゅけん)
(n,vs) taking an examination
10  (たいけん)
(n,vs) personal experience
11無試  (むしけん)
(n) without an examination
12  (れいけん)
(n) miraculous efficacy
13基礎試  (きそしけん)
(n) preclinical study
14再試  (さいしけん)
(n) re-examination
15  (しけんかん)
(n) examiner
16  (しけんかん)
(n) test tube
17  (しけんてき)
(adj-na) experimental
18  (しけんほう)
(n) assay
19  (じっけんち)
(n) test results
20  (ちけんやく)
(n) investigational new drug
21追試  (ついしけん)
(n) supplementary exam
22  (ひけんしゃ)
(n) (test) subject
23不意試  (ふいしけん)
(n) surprise examination
24本試  (ほんしけん)
(n) final examination
25未経  (みけいけん)
(adj-na,n,adj-no) inexperience
26摸擬試  (もぎしけん)
(n) trial examination
27模擬試  (もぎしけん)
(n) trial examination
28予備試  (よびしけん)
(n) preliminary examination
29一次試  (いちじしけん)
(n) first stage examination
30化学試  (かがくしけん)
(n) chemical test
31核実  (かくじっけん)
(n) nuclear (bomb) test
32漢字試  (かんじしけん)
(n) kanji test
33学科試  (がっかしけん)
(n) examinations in academic subjects
34期末試  (きまつしけん)
(n) final exam
35疑似体  (ぎじたいけん)
(n) simulated experience
36価値  (けいけんかち)
(n) experienced value (marketing term used for valuing products on customer subjective basis)
37  (けいけんしゃ)
(n) experienced person
38済み  (けいけんずみ)
(n) experienced
39  (けいけんだん)
(n) story of one's experiences
40  (けいけんてき)
(adj-na) experiential
41  (けいけんろん)
(n) empiricism
42国家試  (こっかしけん)
(n) state examination
43科目  (しけんかもく)
(n) subjects for (of) examination
44期間  (しけんきかん)
(n) test (testing) period
45  (しけんくすり)
(n) experimental drug
46地獄  (しけんじごく)
(n) (entrance) examination hell
47  (しけんじょう)
(n) examination hall (room)
48飛行  (しけんひこう)
(n) test (trial) flight
49司法試  (しほうしけん)
(n) bar examination
50初体  (しょたいけん)
(n) (1) first experience (of any activity)
51新体  (しんたいけん)
(n) new experience
52  (じっけんぐん)
(n) experimental group
53  (じっけんしき)
(n) empirical formula
54  (じっけんしつ)
(n) laboratory
55  (じっけんしゃ)
(n) experimenter
56  (じっけんだい)
(n) laboratory testing bench
57  (じっけんてき)
(adj-na) experimental
58実体  (じったいけん)
(n) real experience
59実地試  (じっちしけん)
(n) practical test
60  (じゅけんしゃ)
(n) examinee
61  (じゅけんせい)
(n) student preparing for or taking examinations
62性体  (せいたいけん)
(n) sexual experience
63  (せんけんてき)
(adj-na,n) transcendental
64  (せんけんろん)
(n) transcendentalism
65前期試  (ぜんきしけん)
(n) midyear examinations
66  (たいけんだん)
(n) story of one's experience
67追体  (ついたいけん)
(n,vs) vicarious experience
68定期試  (ていきしけん)
(n) regular (periodic) examination
69初体  (はつたいけん)
(n) (1) first experience (of any activity)
70筆記試  (ひっきしけん)
(n) written examination
71科学  (けいけんかがく)
(n) empirical science
72主義  (けいけんしゅぎ)
(n) (1) empiricism
73豊富  (けいけんほうふ)
(n,adj-na) experienced
74を得る  (けいけんをえる)
(exp) to gain experience
75検定試  (けんていしけん)
(n) certification examination
76採用試  (さいようしけん)
(n) employment examination
77三軸試  (さんじくしけん)
(n) triaxial test
78管立て  (しけんかんたて)
(n) test tube stand
79監督  (しけんかんとく)
(n) proctoring of an exam
80段階  (しけんだんかい)
(n) testing stage
81で上がる  (しけんであがる)
(exp) to get nervous at an examination
82問題  (しけんもんだい)
(n) examination (exam) questions
83を受ける  (しけんをうける)
(exp) to sit for an examination
84科学  (じっけんかがく)
(n) empirical science
85結果  (じっけんけっか)
(n) experimental results
86  (じっけんじょう)
(n) proving ground
87装置  (じっけんそうち)
(n) experimental device
88科目  (じゅけんかもく)
(n) subjects of the examination
89資格  (じゅけんしかく)
(n) qualifications of candidacy for an examination
90地獄  (じゅけんじごく)
(n) examination hell
91  (じゅけんひょう)
(n) admission ticket for an examination
92  (じゅけんりょう)
(n) examination fees
93選抜試  (せんばつしけん)
(n) selection test
94苦い経  (にがいけいけん)
(n) bitter experience
95引っ張り試  (ひっぱりしけん)
(n) tension test
96分析試  (ぶんせきしけん)
(n) assaying
97未経  (みけいけんしゃ)
(n) inexperienced person
98面接試  (めんせつしけん)
(n) interview
99臨死体  (りんしたいけん)
(n) near-death experience
100圧縮試  (あっしゅくしけん)
(n) compression test

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