Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1  (いか)
(n) clothes rack
2  (いが)
(n) Tinea translucens (species of clothes moth)
3  (そい)
(n) simple clothes
4  (あくい)
(n) shabby clothes
5  (いこう)
(n) clothes rack
6  (いたい)
(n) clothes and obi
7  (いふく)
(n) clothes
8  (いるい)
(n) clothes
9  (かんい)
(n) loose clothes
10  (ぐんい)
(n) military clothes
11  (こいが)
(n) (uk) common clothes moth (Tineola biselliella)
12  (こくい)
(n) black clothes
13  (こくえ)
(n) black clothes
14  (ころも)
(n) (1) clothes
15作務  (さむえ)
(n) monk's working (non-spiritual) clothes
16  (せいい)
(n) traveling clothes
17  (へいい)
(n) worn-out clothes
18便  (べんい)
(n) convenient clothes
19  (やくい)
(n,vs) one's clothes
20  (かりぎぬ)
(n) (1) (arch) kariginu (informal clothes worn by the nobility from the Heian period onwards)
21擦れ  (きぬずれ)
(n) rustling of clothes
22摺れ  (きぬずれ)
(n) rustling of clothes
23  (きゅうい)
(n) worn-out clothes
24  (ちゃくい)
(n,vs) one's clothes
25濡れ  (ぬれぎぬ)
(n) (1) wet clothes
26  (からころも)
(n) ancient Chinese clothes
27  (かりごろも)
(n) (1) (arch) kariginu (informal clothes worn by the nobility from the Heian period onwards)
28  (ころもへん)
(n) kanji "clothes" radical at left
29作業  (さぎょうい)
(n) work clothes
30  (たびごろも)
(n) travel clothes
31  (なつごろも)
(n) summer clothes
32便  (べんいたい)
(n) plain-clothes soldiers
33借り  (かりいしょう)
(iK) (n) borrowed clothes
34借り  (かりいしょう)
(n) borrowed clothes
35破帽  (へいいはぼう)
(n) shabby clothes and an old hat
36蓬髪  (へいいほうはつ)
(n) unkempt hair and shabby clothes
37悪食  (あくいあくしょく)
(n) shabby clothes and plain foods
38婚礼  (こんれいいしょう)
(n) wedding clothes
39馬子にも  (まごにもいしょう)
(exp) anybody can look good with the right clothes (lit: clothes on a packhorse driver)
40馬子にも  (まごにもいしょう)
(exp) anybody can look good with the right clothes (lit: clothes on a packhorse driver)

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