Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1  (うむ)
(v5m,vt) to give birth
2  (むさん)
(n) lacking property
3  (くさむす)
(v5s) to be grassy
4む機械  (うむきかい)
(exp) baby-making machine (famously used by Health, Labour and Welfare Minister Yanagisawa Hakuo to refer to women)
5  (むさんしゃ)
(n) proletarian
6無価値資  (むかちしさん)
(n) dead assets
7無体資  (むたいしさん)
(n) intangible asset
8無形財  (むけいざいさん)
(n) intangible asset
9政党  (むさんせいとう)
(n) proletarian party
10無体財  (むたいざいさん)
(n) intangible property
11階級  (むさんかいきゅう)
(n) the proletarian class
12無形固定資  (むけいこていしさん)
(n) intangible fixed assets
13案ずるよりむが易し  (あんずるよりうむがやすし)
(exp) the anxiety that comes from doing nothing is worse than any danger you might face

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