Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1  (よこ)
(n) beside
2  (まよこ)
(n) directly horizontal
3  (よこき)
(n) crosspiece
4  (よこぎ)
(n) crosspiece
5  (よこて)
(n) (1) side
6  (よこで)
(n) (1) side
7  (よこに)
(adv) across
8  (よこね)
(n) bubo (inflamed swelling in a gland)
9  (よこめ)
(n) side glance
10  (たてよこ)
(n) length and width
11  (みぎよこ)
(n) right side
12合い  (よこあい)
(n) side
13  (よこあな)
(n) cave
14  (よこいと)
(n) weft
15海老  (よこえび)
(n) (uk) gammaridean amphipod (any small, shrimp-like crustacean of suborder Gammaridea)
16  (よこえび)
(n) (uk) gammaridean amphipod (any small, shrimp-like crustacean of suborder Gammaridea)
17  (よこかぜ)
(adj-na,n) (1) cross wind
18から  (よこから)
(exp) from one's side
19  (よこがお)
(n) face in profile
20書き  (よこがき)
(n) writing horizontally
21切る  (よこぎる)
(v5r,vt) to cross (e.g. arms)
22組み  (よこぐみ)
(n) horizontal typesetting
23  (よこぐも)
(n) wall or bank of clouds
24  (よこさま)
(adj-na,n) wickedness
25  (よこざい)
(n) cross member
26  (よこざま)
(adj-na,n) wickedness
27  (よこじく)
(n) abscissa
28  (よこじま)
(n) lateral stripes
29  (よこすじ)
(n) transversal
30好き  (よこずき)
(n) being crazy about something, but not be good at it
31ずれ  (よこずれ)
(n,vs) horizontal friction
32  (よこせん)
(n) horizontal line
33抱き  (よこだき)
(n) carrying (child) under arm
34  (よこつら)
(n) side of face
35付け  (よこづけ)
(n,vs) coming alongside
36  (よこづな)
(n) yokozuna (sumo grand champion)
37綴じ  (よことじ)
(n) binding a book in an oblong shape
38取り  (よこどり)
(n,vs) usurpation
39  (よこなが)
(adj-na,n) oblong
40投げ  (よこなげ)
(n) throwing sideways
41  (よこなみ)
(n) side (transverse) wave
42  (よこはば)
(n) breadth
43  (よこはま)
(n) Yokohama (city)
44ばい  (よこばい)
(n,vs) (1) sidewise crawl (e.g. of a crab)
45這い  (よこばい)
(n,vs) (1) sidewise crawl (e.g. of a crab)
46  (よこばら)
(n) side
47  (よこばり)
(n) horizontal beam
48  (よこぶえ)
(n) flute
49降り  (よこぶり)
(n) driving rain
50  (よこぼう)
(n) bar set in a horizontal position
51  (よこみち)
(n) (1) byway
52  (よこみつ)
(n) either side of a rikishi's mawashi
53向き  (よこむき)
(n) turning sideways
54向く  (よこむく)
(v5k) to turn sideways
55文字  (よこもじ)
(n) European writing
56  (よこやり)
(n) interruption
57揺れ  (よこゆれ)
(n,vs) rolling
58レス  (よこレス)
(n) (sl) message butting in (to a conversation between two other people on a BBS, etc.)
59  (たてよこひ)
(n) aspect ratio
60歩き  (よこあるき)
(n,vs) side stepping
61泳ぎ  (よこおよぎ)
(n) sidestroke (swim.)
62  (よこぐるま)
(exp,n) perverseness
63滑り  (よこすべり)
(n,vs) skid
64座り  (よこずわり)
(n,vs) sitting with one's legs out to one side
65たえる  (よこたえる)
(v1,vt) to lie down
66たわる  (よこたわる)
(v5r,vi) to lie down
67倒し  (よこだおし)
(n) falling over
68  (よこちょう)
(n) lane
69  (よこちょう)
(n) lane
70っ面  (よこっつら)
(n) side of face
71っ腹  (よこっぱら)
(n) side
72流し  (よこながし)
(n,vs) diversion into illegal channels
73流れ  (よこながれ)
(n) flowing into the black market
74殴り  (よこなぐり)
(n) striking on the side
75並び  (よこならび)
(n) (1) going along with something
76になる  (よこになる)
(exp,v5r) to lie down (and rest)
77睨み  (よこにらみ)
(n) sharp-sidelong glance
78太り  (よこぶとり)
(n,vs) short and fat
79恋慕  (よこれんぼ)
(n,vs) illicit love
80  (しんよこづな)
(n) sumo wrestler newly promoted to grand champion
81  (だいよこづな)
(n) sumo grand champion considered to be truly great, usually with over 10 makuuchi tournament wins
82  (とうよこせん)
(n) Toyoko Line (between Tokyo and Yokohama)
83下手の好き  (へたのよこずき)
(n) being crazy about something but being very bad at it
84紙破り  (よこがみやぶり)
(n) acting illogically
85綱稽古  (よこづなけいこ)
(n) practice session where grand champion is present (sumo) (practise)
86綱を食う  (よこづなをくう)
(exp) to beat a grand champion
87稲妻  (いなずまよこばい)
(n) (uk) zig-zag rice leafhopper (Recilia dorsalis)
88学生  (がくせいよこづな)
(n) university amateur sumo champion
89褄黒  (つまぐろよこばい)
(n) (uk) green rice leafhopper (Nephotettix cincticeps)
90褄黒這い  (つまぐろよこばい)
(n) (uk) green rice leafhopper (Nephotettix cincticeps)
91車を押す  (よこぐるまをおす)
(exp) to act perversely
92条笛鯛  (よこすじふえだい)
(n) (uk) spotstripe snapper (species of fish, Lutjanus ophuysenii)
93ずれ断層  (よこずれだんそう)
(n) strike-slip fault
94綱大関  (よこづなおおぜき)
(n) grand champion filling the rank of champion to keep their number at 2 (sumo)
95綱の器  (よこづなのうつわ)
(n) mental characteristics expected of a sumo grand champion
96腕白  (わんぱくよこづな)
(n) champion of children's sumo
97ごろりとになる  (ごろりとよこになる)
(exp) to throw oneself down
98筋ジャッカル  (よこすじジャッカル)
(n) side-striped jackal (carnivore, Canis adustus)
99川吸虫  (よこがわきゅうちゅう)
(n) Metagonimus yokogawai (species of intestinal fluke)
100並び現象  (よこならびげんしょう)
(n) herd instincts

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