Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1  (しゃくど)
(n) linear measure
2巻き  (まきじゃく)
(n) tape measure
3  (まきじゃく)
(n) tape measure
4を取る  (しゃくをとる)
(exp) to measure (the length)
5を当てる  (しゃくをあてる)
(exp) to measure with a rule
6貫法  (しゃっかんほう)
(n) old Japanese system of weights and measures
7評価の  (ひょうかのしゃくど)
(n) evaluation measure
8簡潔性の  (かんけつせいのしゃくど)
(n) simplicity measure

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