Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1  (がっか)
(n) study subject
2  (ごがく)
(n) language study
3  (しがく)
(n) study of history
4  (しがく)
(n) study of poetry
5  (まなぶ)
(v5b) to study (in depth)
6  (ありがく)
(n) myrmecology (the study of ants)
7  (えきがく)
(n) study of divination
8  (がくさん)
(n) study reference
9  (がっけん)
(n) study and research
10  (きんがく)
(n,vs) studying while working
11  (けんがく)
(n,vs) study
12  (こうがく)
(n) dedication to study or research
13  (こくがく)
(n) study of (ancient) Japanese literature and culture
14  (どくがく)
(n,vs) self-study
15  (べんがく)
(n,vs) study
16  (やくがく)
(n) (study of) pharmacy
17  (ゆうがく)
(n,vs) studying abroad
18  (れきがく)
(n) the study of the calendar
19アリ  (アリがく)
(n) myrmecology (the study of ants)
20  (がくしゅう)
(n,vs) study
21  (がくしゅう)
(n,vs) study
22系図  (けいずがく)
(n) genealogy (the study)
23  (しょうがく)
(n) encouragement to study
24書誌  (しょしがく)
(n) (1) bibliography (i.e. the study of books)
25統語  (とうごがく)
(n) study of syntax
26  (りゅうがく)
(n,vs) studying abroad (usu. at university level)
27歴史  (れきしがく)
(n) study of history
28論理  (ろんりがく)
(n) (study of) logic
29英文  (えいぶんがく)
(n) study of English literature
30園芸  (えんげいがく)
(n) study of horticulture
31会計  (かいけいがく)
(n) study of accountancy
32問所  (がくもんじょ)
(n) place of study
33魚類  (ぎょるいがく)
(n) study of fish
34考現  (こうげんがく)
(n) study of modern societies
35財政  (ざいせいがく)
(n) (the study of public) finance
36心霊  (しんれいがく)
(n) study of psychic phenomena
37帝王  (ていおうがく)
(n) study of how to be a good emperor
38統計  (とうけいがく)
(n) (the study of) statistics
39文芸  (ぶんげいがく)
(n) study or science of literature
40本草  (ほんぞうがく)
(n) study of medicinal herbs
41民俗  (みんぞくがく)
(n) folkloristics (formal study of folklore)
42陸水  (りくすいがく)
(n) the study of inland waters
43音響  (おんきょうがく)
(n) (the study of) acoustics
44協会  (がくきょうかい)
(n) study society
45を窮める  (がくをきわめる)
(exp) to study exhaustively
46考証  (こうしょうがく)
(n) (in Chinese history) study of ancient texts
47商品  (しょうひんがく)
(n) (study of) merchandising
48単科大  (たんかだいがく)
(n) college (offering a single course of study)
49官費留  (かんぴりゅうがく)
(n) studying abroad at government expense
50  (ごがくがくしゅう)
(n) language study
51宗教  (しゅうきょうがく)
(n) the study or science of religion
52分子進化  (ぶんししんかがく)
(n) (study of) molecular evolution
53駅前留  (えきまえりゅうがく)
(n) attending foreign language study at a school near the train station (esp. used as a NOVA catchphrase)
54国際政治  (こくさいせいじがく)
(n) international politics (as a field of study)
55官費留  (かんぴりゅうがくせい)
(n) student studying abroad at government expense
56生涯  (しょうがいがくしゅう)
(n) lifelong study
57よくびよく遊べ  (よくまなびよくあそべ)
(exp) study hard and play hard
58希望者  (りゅうがくきぼうしゃ)
(n) person interested in studying abroad
59海外留  (かいがいりゅうがくねつ)
(n) craze for studying abroad
60習参考書  (がくしゅうさんこうしょ)
(n) study reference
61放射線遺伝  (ほうしゃせんいでんがく)
(n) radiation genetics (study of the effects of radiation on genes)

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