Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1  (そうご)
(n) mutual
2  (そうし)
(n) (1) written work (esp. a bound text, as opposed to a scroll)
3  (そうじ)
(n) twins
4  (むそう)
(n,adj-no) peerless
5  (いっそう)
(n) pair (of screens)
6  (そうがん)
(n) both eyes
7  (そうけん)
(n) shoulders
8  (そうしゃ)
(n) (math) bijection
9  (そうしゅ)
(n) (1) (with) both hands
10  (そうしょ)
(n) series (of publications)
11  (そうせい)
(n) bearing twins
12  (そうたい)
(n) (math) (physics) reciprocity
13  (そうつい)
(n) (math) (physics) reciprocity
14  (そうてい)
(n) cloven foot
15  (そうとう)
(n) double-headed
16の手  (そうのて)
(n) both hands
17  (そうはつ)
(n) two-motored
18  (そうふく)
(n) pair of hanging scrolls
19  (そうへき)
(n) pair of bright jewels
20  (そうほう)
(adj-no,n-adv,n) two way
21  (そうぼう)
(n) pair of eyes
22  (そうよく)
(n) both wings
23  (そうりん)
(n) two wheels
24内無  (うちむそう)
(n) inner-thigh-propping twist down (sumo)
25  (そうきゃく)
(n) both feet
26子葉  (そうしよう)
(n) dicotyledon
27翅類  (そうしるい)
(n) (obsc) dipterans
28調  (そうじょう)
(n) (1) (in Japan) 6th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. G)
29生児  (そうせいじ)
(n) twins
30胴機  (そうどうき)
(n) twin-fuselage plane
31発機  (そうはつき)
(n) two-motored plane
32外無  (そとむそう)
(n) outer-thigh-propping twist down (sumo)
33  (むそうまど)
(n) (openable) panel in a door
34国士無  (こくしむそう)
(n) distinguished person
35古今無  (ここんむそう)
(exp) unparalleled in history
36娑羅  (さらそうじゅ)
(n) sal tree
37沙羅  (さらそうじゅ)
(n) sal tree
38自己  (じこそうつい)
(n) (math) self dual
39暗車  (そうあんしゃ)
(n) twin propellers
40殻類  (そうかくるい)
(n) bivalves
41極子  (そうきょくし)
(n) dipole
42鉤法  (そうこうほう)
(n) in calligraphy, a style of holding the brush between the thumb and the index and middle fingers
43児宮  (そうじきゅう)
(n) Gemini (3rd zodiacal sign)
44線型  (そうせんけい)
(n) bilinear
45線形  (そうせんけい)
(n) bilinear
46方向  (そうほうこう)
(n,adj-no) (1) two-way
47天下無  (てんかむそう)
(adj-na,n) peerless
48仕立て  (むそうじたて)
(n) making a piece of clothing with the same cloth inside and out
49仕立  (むそうじたて)
(n) making a piece of clothing with the same cloth inside and out
50海内無  (かいだいむそう)
(n) unparalleled in the whole country
51怪力無  (かいりきむそう)
(n,adj-no) (a person of) unrivaled physical strength
52眼鏡  (そうがんきょう)
(n) binoculars
53球菌  (そうきゅうきん)
(n) diplococcus
54曲線  (そうきょくせん)
(n) hyperbolic curve
55魚宮  (そうぎょきゅう)
(n) Pisces (12th zodiacal sign)
56十節  (そうじゅうせつ)
(n) the Double Tenth
57蹄獸  (そうていじゅう)
(n) cloven-hoofed animal
58頭の鷲  (そうとうのわし)
(n) double-headed eagle (symbol of heraldry)
59峰駱駝  (そうほうらくだ)
(n) two-humped camel
60務契約  (そうむけいやく)
(n) bilateral agreement
61当代無  (とうだいむそう)
(n,adj-no) being unsurpassed (unparalleled) at present
62労使  (ろうしそうほう)
(n) both labor and management
63国色無  (こくしょくむそう)
(n,adj-no) (a woman of) unparalleled beauty
64磁気極子  (じきそうきょくし)
(n) magnetic dipole
65方独占  (そうほうどくせん)
(n) bilateral monopoly
66忠勇無  (ちゅうゆうむそう)
(n,adj-no) of peerless loyalty and bravery
67シャム生児  (シャムそうせいじ)
(n) Siamese twins
68結合生児  (けつごうそうせいじ)
(n) conjoined twins
69方向テレビ  (そうほうこうテレビ)
(n) interactive television
70電気極子  (でんきそうきょくし)
(n) electric dipole
71子葉植物  (そうしようしょくぶつ)
(n) dicotyledon
72方向番組  (そうほうこうばんぐみ)
(n) interactive program
73二卵性生児  (にらんせいそうせいじ)
(n) fraternal twins
74一卵性生児  (いちらんせいそうせいじ)
(n) identical twins
75瑞宝光章  (ずいほうそうこうしょう)
(n) Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold and Silver Rays
76極子モーメント  (そうきょくしモーメント)
(n) dipole moment
77極性障害  (そうきょくせいしょうがい)
(n) bipolar disorder
78眼鏡に目を当てる  (そうがんきょうにめをあてる)
(exp) to put binoculars to one's eyes
79直伝英信流  (むそうじきでんえいしんりゅう)
(n) (MA) Muso Jikiden Eishin-ryu (Iaido style)
80胎間輸血症候群  (そうたいかんゆけつしょうこうぐん)
(n) Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome

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