Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1出し  (だしぶん)
(n) one's share (in the expenses)
2取り  (とりぶん)
(n) one's share or portion
3  (とりぶん)
(n) one's share or portion
4  (ぶんれい)
(n) division of a shrine's tutelary deity, in order to share it with another shrine
5  (もちぶん)
(n) share (of expenses)
6持ち  (もちぶん)
(n) share (of expenses)
7け合う  (わけあう)
(v5u) to share
8け前  (わけまえ)
(n) share
9かち合う  (わかちあう)
(v5u) to share
10遺留  (いりゅうぶん)
(n) heir's distributive share
11  (じぶんのぶん)
(n) one's share (own)
12担金  (ぶんたんきん)
(n) share of expenses
13配金  (ぶんぱいきん)
(n) dividend (on shares)
14乏しきをかつ  (とぼしきをわかつ)
(exp) to share poverty

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