Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1  (もと)
(n,adj-no,n-adv,n-pref) former
2  (もと)
(n) (1) origin
3  (ざもと)
(n) theater proprietor
4  (じもと)
(n) (1) home area
5  (てもと)
(n) (1) (money) on hand or at home
6  (ねもと)
(n) root
7  (ひもと)
(n) origin of a fire
8  (みもと)
(n) person's identity
9  (めもと)
(n) eyes
10  (もとい)
(int) (1) (uk) (in calisthenics) return to your original position!
11  (もとで)
(n) funds
12  (もとね)
(n) cost
13  (もとは)
(exp) originally
14  (もとへ)
(int) (1) (in calisthenics) return to your original position!
15  (ゆもと)
(n) source of a hot spring
16  (あしもと)
(n) (1) at one's feet
17  (あみもと)
(n) head of fisherman's group or union
18  (いえもと)
(n) head of a school (of music, dance)
19  (えりもと)
(n) front of neck
20  (おやもと)
(n) one's parents
21  (おりもと)
(n) textile manufacturer
22織り  (おりもと)
(n) textile manufacturer
23貸し  (かしもと)
(n) financier
24  (かまもと)
(n) pottery
25  (くちもと)
(n) the mouth
26  (くにもと)
(n) hometown
27  (くらもと)
(n) sake brewer
28  (こしもと)
(n) chamber maid
29  (じもとご)
(n) local language
30  (じもとし)
(n) local newspaper
31駄目  (だめもと)
(n) (sl) giving something a try because one has nothing to lose
32  (どうもと)
(n) bookmaker (in gambling)
33  (のどもと)
(n) throat
34  (はなもと)
(n) root of the nose
35  (はんもと)
(n) publisher
36  (ひざもと)
(n) near one's knee
37火の  (ひのもと)
(n) origin of fire
38  (ほんもと)
(n) origin
39  (みみもと)
(n) close to the ear
40  (むなもと)
(n) breast
41請け  (もとうけ)
(n) prime contract work or contractor
42  (もとうた)
(n) original song
43  (もとうり)
(n) direct sale by the producer
44売り  (もとうり)
(n) direct sale by the producer
45  (もとかた)
(n) capitalist
46  (もときん)
(n) capital
47肥え  (もとごえ)
(n) first fertilizing
48込め  (もとごめ)
(n) breech-loading
49  (もとさや)
(n) returning to normal after all is said and done
50  (もとじめ)
(n) manager
51締め  (もとじめ)
(n) manager
52  (もとせん)
(n) stopcock (gas, water)
53  (もとだか)
(n) principal (e.g. in a loan)
54  (もとつま)
(n) ex-wife
55  (もともと)
(adv,adj-no) originally
56  (もともと)
(adv,adj-no) originally
57やん  (もとやん)
(n) (abbr) (col) (sl) reformed delinquent
58結い  (もとゆい)
(n) paper cord for tying the hair
59より  (もとより)
(adv) (1) from the beginning
60カノ  (もとカノ)
(n) (abbr) (sl) former girlfriend
61カレ  (もとカレ)
(n) (abbr) (sl) former boyfriend
62ヤン  (もとヤン)
(n) (abbr) (col) (sl) reformed delinquent
63  (やまもと)
(n) owner of a mountain
64勝手  (かってもと)
(n) in and about a kitchen
65  (じもとみん)
(n) local people
66  (ちょうもと)
(n) (business) manager
67流し  (ながしもと)
(n) sink
68  (まくらもと)
(n) near one's pillow
69  (みみもとで)
(exp) close to one's ears
70  (もとおっと)
(n) ex-husband
71  (もとちょう)
(n) ledger
72通り  (もとどおり)
(adj-na,n-t) as before
73払い  (もとばらい)
(n) prepayment
74  (やまもとは)
(n) Yamamoto sect (of Shin Buddhism)
75お手  (おてもときん)
(n) the privy purse
76勧進  (かんじんもと)
(n) backer
77  (きよもとぶし)
(n) a school of ballad drama
78製造  (せいぞうもと)
(n) manufacturer
79発売  (はつばいもと)
(n) sales (selling) agency
80販売  (はんばいもと)
(n) selling agency
81不明  (みもとふめい)
(n,adj-no) (a person or body being) unidentifiable (unidentified)
82請け人  (もとうけにん)
(n) master contractor
83が掛かる  (もとがかかる)
(exp) to be expensive
84に戻す  (もとにもどす)
(exp) to reconstitute
85の通り  (もとのとおり)
(n) as it was before
86を糾す  (もとをただす)
(exp) to go to the bottom of an affair
87ヤンキー  (もとヤンキー)
(n) (col) reformed delinquent
88として  (をもととして)
(exp) based on
89にして  (をもとにして)
(exp) based on
90を見る  (あしもとをみる)
(exp,v1) to take advantage (e.g. of a weak situation)
91出版  (しゅっぱんもと)
(n) publisher
92警察  (じもとけいさつ)
(n) local police
93駄目で  (だめでもともと)
(exp) giving something a try because one has nothing to lose
94思案  (のどもとじあん)
(n) superficial (shortsighted) way of thinking
95思案  (はなもとしあん)
(n) superficial (shortsighted) way of thinking
96思案  (はなもとじあん)
(n) superficial (shortsighted) way of thinking
97本家本  (ほんけほんもと)
(n) original home
98確認  (みもとかくにん)
(n) ID
99調査  (みもとちょうさ)
(n) (col) identity or background check (often to see if someone is a burakumin)
100保証  (みもとほしょう)
(n) personal reference

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