Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1  (れい)
(n,n-suf) command
2  (いれい)
(n) violation of law
3  (いれい)
(n) authority
4  (かれい)
(n) steward
5  (しれい)
(n,vs) orders
6  (しれい)
(n,vs) command
7  (じれい)
(n) notice of personnel change (appointment, dismissal, etc.)
8  (ふれい)
(n,vs) official announcement
9  (よれい)
(n) preparatory command
10  (れいし)
(n) your elder sister
11  (れいし)
(n) your (his) heir
12  (れいし)
(n) prince's message
13  (あくれい)
(n) bad decree
14  (きんれい)
(n) prohibition
15  (くんれい)
(n,vs) directive
16  (ぐんれい)
(n) military command
17  (けんれい)
(n) prefectural ordinance
18  (ごうれい)
(n,vs) order
19  (しれいぶ)
(n) headquarters
20  (せいれい)
(n) government ordinance
21  (せいれい)
(n,vs) regulations
22  (でんれい)
(n) messenger
23  (ねんれい)
(n) age
24  (はつれい)
(n,vs) official announcement
25  (ほうれい)
(n) laws and ordinances
26  (みつれい)
(n) secret orders
27  (めいれい)
(n,vs) order
28  (りつれい)
(n) a statute
29  (れいけい)
(n) your wife
30  (れいけい)
(n) your elder brother
31  (れいしつ)
(n) your wife
32  (れいせい)
(n) (hon) your nephew
33婿  (れいせい)
(n) your son-in-law
34  (れいそく)
(n) (hon) son
35  (れいそん)
(n) your grandchild
36  (れいてい)
(n) your younger brother
37  (れいてつ)
(n) (hon) your niece
38  (れいどう)
(n) (pol) home
39  (れいぶん)
(n) good reputation
40  (れいぼう)
(n) good reputation
41  (れいまい)
(n) your younger sister
42  (れいめい)
(n) good reputation
43  (ぐんれいぶ)
(n) Naval General Staff
44  (ごれいそく)
(n) (hon) son
45  (ごれいそく)
(n) (hon) son
46  (しゅうれい)
(n,suf) week-old
47  (しょうれい)
(n) ministerial ordinance
48  (しょうれい)
(n) imperial edict
49  (しれいかん)
(n) commandant
50  (しれいしつ)
(n) control room
51  (しれいとう)
(n) control tower
52  (じょうれい)
(n) regulation
53  (ちょくれい)
(n) (imperial) edict
54副司  (ふくしれい)
(n) deputy commander
55  (れいしょく)
(n) servile looks
56  (れいじょう)
(n) (hon) (your) daughter
57  (れいじょう)
(n) your daughter
58  (れいじょう)
(n) warrant
59夫人  (れいふじん)
(n) Mrs
60戒厳  (かいげんれい)
(n) martial law
61かん口  (かんこうれい)
(n) gag order
62箝口  (かんこうれい)
(n) gag order
63  (くんれいしき)
(n) official kana romanization system (romanisation)
64軍司  (ぐんしれいぶ)
(n) military headquarters
65  (ごれいじょう)
(n) (hon) (your) daughter
66  (ごれいじょう)
(n) (hon) (your) daughter
67総司  (そうしれいぶ)
(n) (command) headquarters
68  (でんれいしゃ)
(n) herald
69動員  (どういんれい)
(n) mobilization order
70廃刀  (はいとうれい)
(n) sword prohibition
71  (めいれいけい)
(n) (ling) imperative mood
72  (めいれいしょ)
(n) decree
73  (めいれいぶん)
(n) imperative sentence
74  (めいれいほう)
(n) imperative mood
75隔離命  (かくりめいれい)
(n) isolation order
76外交辞  (がいこうじれい)
(n) diplomatic turn of phrase
77軍司  (ぐんしれいかん)
(n) army commander
78社交辞  (しゃこうじれい)
(exp) a polite or diplomatic way of putting things
79新聞辞  (しんぶんじれい)
(n) Appointment conjecturally reported in a newspaper
80総司  (そうしれいかん)
(n) commander-in-chief
81徴発  (ちょうはつれい)
(n) requisition order
82配備命  (はいびめいれい)
(n) deployment order
83を敷く  (ほうれいをしく)
(exp) to promulgate a law
84一下  (めいれいいっか)
(n) immediately
85行動命  (こうどうめいれい)
(n) operation order
86作戦命  (さくせんめいれい)
(n) operation order
87至上命  (しじょうめいれい)
(n) categorical imperative
88召集  (しょうしゅうれい)
(n) mustering-out order
89長官  (しれいちょうかん)
(n) Commander-in-Chief
90準備命  (じゅんびめいれい)
(n) warning order
91暮改  (ちょうれいぼかい)
(n) an unsettled course of action
92口調  (めいれいくちょう)
(n) tone of command
93ポツダム命  (ポツダムめいれい)
(n) Potsdam Orders (commands made after the Japanese surrender based on the demands of the Potsdam Declaration)
94上からの命  (うえからのめいれい)
(n) order from above
95仮言的命  (かげんてきめいれい)
(n) (obsc) hypothetical imperative
96箝口を敷く  (かんこうれいをしく)
(exp,v5k) to impose a gag order
97緘口を敷く  (かんこうれいをしく)
(exp) to impose a gag rule
98箝口をしく  (かんこうれいをしく)
(exp,v5k) to impose a gag order
99行政命  (ぎょうせいめいれい)
(n) administrative or executive order
100巧言  (こうげんれいしょく)
(n) flattery

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