Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1  (じだい)
(n-t) period
2  (だいかん)
(n) Edo-period prefectural governor (magistrate, bailiff)
3江戸時  (えどじだい)
(n) Edo period (1603-1868 CE)
4新時  (しんじだい)
(n) new period
5奈良時  (ならじだい)
(n) Nara period (710-794 CE)
6武家時  (ぶけじだい)
(n) Feudal period (characterized by the rule of the shogunate as opposed to emperor, 1185-1867 CE)
7飛鳥時  (あすかじだい)
(n) Asuka period (550-710 CE)
8安土時  (あづちじだい)
(n) Azuchi period (first half of the Azuchi-Momoyama period, 1568-1582 CE)
9原史時  (げんしじだい)
(n) protohistory (the period between prehistory and history)
10古典時  (こてんじだい)
(n) the classical period
11古墳時  (こふんじだい)
(n) Tumulus period (of Japanese history)
12推古時  (すいこじだい)
(n) Suiko period (i.e. the Asuka period, esp. under the reign of Empress Suiko, approx. 592-628 CE)
13前史時  (ぜんしじだい)
(n) prehistoric period
14田沼時  (たぬまじだい)
(n) Tanuma period (1767-1786 CE)
15銅器時  (どうきじだい)
(n) Copper Age (period in which metal tools started to be used alongside stone tools)
16無土器時  (むどきじだい)
(n) (obsc) preceramic period
17明治時  (めいじじだい)
(n) Meiji period (1868-1912)
18大和時  (やまとじだい)
(n) Yamato period (300-550 CE)
19弥生時  (やよいじだい)
(n) Yayoi period (c. 300 BCE-300 CE)
20吉野時  (よしのじだい)
(n) (obsc) Yoshino period (Japan's Northern and Southern Courts period, esp. from the viewpoint of the legitimacy of the Southern Court, 1336-1392 CE)
21足利時  (あしかがじだい)
(n) Ashikaga period (i.e. the Muromachi period, 1333-1573 CE)
22鎌倉時  (かまくらじだい)
(n) Kamakura period (1185-1333 CE)
23桂園時  (けいえんじだい)
(n) Keien period (between the end of the Russo-Japanese War and the Taisho Political Crisis, approx. 1905-1912 CE)
24源平時  (げんぺいじだい)
(n) Gempei period (late 11th century-late 12th century CE)
25三国時  (さんごくじだい)
(n) (1) Three Kingdoms period (of Chinese history, 220-280 CE)
26昭和時  (しょうわじだい)
(n) Showa period (1926-1989 CE)
27戦国時  (せんごくじだい)
(n) (1) Warring States period (of Japanese history, approx. 1467-1568 CE)
28先土器時  (せんどきじだい)
(n) preceramic period
29徳川時  (とくがわじだい)
(n) Tokugawa period (i.e. the Edo period, 1600-1867 CE)
30白鳳時  (はくほうじだい)
(n) Hakuho period (esp. used as a period of art history, approx. 645-710 CE)
31藤原時  (ふじわらじだい)
(n) Fujiwara period (esp. used as a period of art history, approx. 894-1185 CE)
32平安時  (へいあんじだい)
(n) Heian period (794-1185)
33平成時  (へいせいじだい)
(n) Heisei period (1989-)
34封建時  (ほうけんじだい)
(n) feudal period
35室町時  (むろまちじだい)
(n) Muromachi period (1333-1573 CE)
36桃山時  (ももやまじだい)
(n) Momoyama period (latter half of the Azuchi-Momoyama period, approx. 1583-1600 CE)
37アマルナ時  (アマルナじだい)
(n) Amarna period (of Egyptian history)
38王朝時  (おうちょうじだい)
(n) Dynastic period (the Nara period and esp. the Heian period, characterized by the rule of the emperor as opposed to shogunate)
39大御所時  (おおごしょじだい)
(n) Ogosho period (between the Kansei Reforms and the Tempo Reforms, approx. 1787-1843)
40旧幕時  (きゅうばくじだい)
(n) the shogunate period
41織豊時  (しょくほうじだい)
(n) Shokuho period (i.e. the Azuchi-Momoyama period, approx. 1568-1600 CE)
42貞観時  (じょうがんじだい)
(n) Jougan period (of art history, 859-877 CE)
43縄文時  (じょうもんじだい)
(n) the Jomon period
44大正時  (たいしょうじだい)
(n) Taisho period (1912-1926 CE)
45天平時  (てんぴょうじだい)
(n) Tempyo period (esp. used as a period of art history, 710-794 CE)
46東山時  (ひがしやまじだい)
(n) Higashiyama period (cultural and artistic period of the mid-Muromachi)
47律令時  (りつりょうじだい)
(n) Ritsuryo period (mid 7th-10th centuries CE)
48江戸時文学  (えどじだいぶんがく)
(n) Edo-period literature
49春秋時  (しゅんじゅうじだい)
(n) Spring and Autumn period (of Chinese history, approx. 770-403 BCE)
50吉野朝時  (よしのちょうじだい)
(n) (obsc) Yoshino period (Japan's Northern and Southern Courts period, esp. from the viewpoint of the legitimacy of the Southern Court, 1336-1392 CE)
51安土桃山時  (あずちももやまじだい)
(n) Azuchi-Momoyama period (approx. 1558-1600 CE)
52正統カリフ時  (せいとうカリフじだい)
(n) Rashidun period (the period of the Rightly Guided Caliphs, 632-661 CE)
53先縄文時  (せんじょうもんじだい)
(n) (obsc) pre-Jomon period (i.e. the preceramic period)
54南北朝時  (なんぼくちょうじだい)
(n) period of the northern and southern dynasties (in China, 5th-6th c. CE in Japan, 1336-92)
55文化文政時  (ぶんかぶんせいじだい)
(n) Bunka-Bunsei period (approx. 1804-1830 CE)
56金石併用時  (きんせきへいようじだい)
(n) Chalcolithic period (i.e. the Copper Period)
57弘仁貞観時  (こうにんじょうがんじだい)
(n) Kounin-Jougan period (of Japanese art history, approx. 794-894 CE)
58魏晋南北朝時  (ぎしんなんぼくちょうじだい)
(n) Wei, Jin, and Southern and Northern Dynasties period (220-589 CE)

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