Combined Kanji Dictionary / 熟語辞典

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1  (ぶつ)
(n) Buddha
2  (きぶつ)
(n) wooden Buddha
3  (ひぶつ)
(n) Buddhist image normally withheld from public view
4  (ぶつえ)
(n) Buddhist memorial service
5  (ぶつか)
(n) flowers or flower arrangements for a butsudana (household Buddhist altar)
6  (ぶつが)
(n) Buddhist picture
7  (ぶつぐ)
(n) Buddhist altar equipment
8  (ぶつご)
(n) Buddhist term
9  (ぶつざ)
(n) Buddhist image seat
10  (ぶつじ)
(n) Buddhist memorial service
11  (ぶつじ)
(n) Buddhist temple
12  (ぶつだ)
(n) Buddha
13  (ぶつま)
(n) Buddhist family chapel
14御陀  (おだぶつ)
(n) dying
15お陀  (おだぶつ)
(n) dying
16  (かつぶつ)
(n) grand Lama
17  (かなぶつ)
(n) (1) metal, usually bronze, statue of Buddha
18  (かんぶつ)
(n) (Buddh) contemplating Buddha
19  (けんぶつ)
(n) (Buddh) seeing Buddha
20  (しちぶつ)
(n) (abbr) the seven previous incarnations of Buddha
21  (しんぶつ)
(n) (1) gods and buddhas
22  (じゅぶつ)
(n) Confucianism and Buddhism
23  (せきぶつ)
(n) stone Buddhist image
24  (だいぶつ)
(n) large statue of Buddha
25  (ねんぶつ)
(n,vs) Buddhist prayer
26  (ぶつえん)
(n) Buddha's providence
27  (ぶつおん)
(n) grace of Buddha
28  (ぶつがく)
(n) Buddhist learning
29  (ぶつげん)
(n) (Buddh) the Buddha eye
30  (ぶつぜん)
(n) before the Buddha or a mortuary tablet
31  (ぶつぞう)
(n) Buddhist image (statue)
32  (ぶつだん)
(n) Buddhist (household) altar
33殿  (ぶつでん)
(n) Buddhist temple
34  (ぶつどう)
(n) Buddhist temple
35  (ぶつどう)
(n) Buddhism
36  (ぶつばな)
(n) flowers or flower arrangements for a butsudana (household Buddhist altar)
37  (ぶつまく)
(n) coloured curtains hanging from the eaves of a Buddhist temple
38  (ぶつめつ)
(n) (1) Buddha's death
39  (ぶつもん)
(n) Buddhism
40  (ぶつりき)
(n) the power of Buddha
41阿弥陀  (あみだぶつ)
(n) Amitabha
42  (ごぶつぜん)
(n) (1) before a Buddha or a mortuary tablet
43  (じょうぶつ)
(n,vs) enter Nirvana
44  (にゅうぶつ)
(n) enshrining a Buddhist image
45念持  (ねんじぶつ)
(n) (obsc) Buddhist image used as jewellery or to decorate one's home
46  (ぶつみょう)
(n) Buddha's name
47弥勒  (みろくぶつ)
(n) Maitreya
48過去七  (かこしちぶつ)
(n) the seven previous incarnations of Buddha
49空念  (からねんぶつ)
(n) empty words
50三尊  (さんぞんぶつ)
(n) image of the three honorable (honourable) ones
51神儒  (しんじゅぶつ)
(n) Shinto, Confucianism and Buddhism
52空念  (そらねんぶつ)
(n) empty words
53殿  (だいぶつでん)
(n) Daibutsuden
54像二座  (ぶつぞうにざ)
(n) two images of Buddha
55滅日  (ぶつめつにち)
(n) (arch) very unlucky day (according to old almanacs)
56分離  (しんぶつぶんり)
(n) separation of Buddhism and Shintoism
57南無阿弥陀  (なむあみだぶつ)
(exp) (Buddh) I sincerely believe in Amitabha
58毘廬遮那  (びるしゃなぶつ)
(n) Vairocana-Buddha
59像二体  (ぶつぞうにたい)
(n) two images of Buddha
60聞法  (けんぶつもんぼう)
(n) (Buddh) (obsc) seeing Buddha and hearing his teachings
61聞法  (けんぶつもんぽう)
(n) (Buddh) (obsc) seeing Buddha and hearing his teachings
62混淆  (しんぶつこんこう)
(n) mixture (synthesis) of Buddhism and Shintoism
63専修念  (せんじゅねんぶつ)
(n) (obsc) intently praying to Buddha (esp. Amitabha)
64三昧  (ねんぶつざんまい)
(n) being deep in (Buddhist) prayer
65毀釈  (はいぶつきしゃく)
(n) anti-Buddhist movement at the beginning of the Meiji era
66米英  (べいえいぶつらん)
(n) USA, Britain, France and the Netherlands
67習合  (しんぶつしゅうごう)
(n) syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism
68即身成  (そくしんじょうぶつ)
(n,vs) attainment of Buddhahood during life
69往生  (ねんぶつおうじょう)
(n,vs) passing away peacefully to be reborn in Paradise through invocation of Amitabha
70を唱える  (ねんぶつをとなえる)
(exp) to chant (repeat) the name of Buddha
71馬の耳に念  (うまのみみにねんぶつ)
(exp) not heeding what others say
72同体説  (しんぶつどうたいせつ)
(n) (obsc) kami-buddha syncretization theory (e.g. manifestation theory)
73壇に花を上げる  (ぶつだんにはなをあげる)
(exp) to offer flowers before the family Buddhist altar
74大毘盧遮那成神変加持経  (だいびるしゃなきょうじょうぶつしんぺんかじきょう)
(n) (obsc) Mahavairocana Sutra

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